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Melody, the Music Pet (Disney's Little Einsteins)  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Higginson, Sheila Sweeny / TK
Series: Little Einsteins 
Category: Level Reading-1  Fiction - Art 

ISBN: 9781423109914  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 24 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Little Einsteins :  迪斯尼的小爱因斯坦系列动画片,是小小爱因斯坦(Baby Einsteins)团队和 Disney 联手制作的针对3-6岁孩子的节目,透过唱唱跳跳轻松学习到音乐、艺术、科学、动物、自然各方面的知识及团队合作的精神等。故事总是从探险基地开始,跟着几位主角去经历各种事情,解决各种问题...

Overview / 简介:
Choo-choo! All aboard the Pet Train! The Little Einsteins are in France watching animals board the special train that takes pets to their new homes. One pet, Melody the Music Pet, has lost her ticket and it's up to the team to help her get it back so she can board the train on time. Leo is sad to see Melody go, but when the Little Einsteins arrive back home the Pet Train arrives carrying a special surprise just for them. Pre-Schoolers will enjoy learing to read with this level 1 early reader adventure.
Building on the success of the Baby Einstein's 93% U.S. brand awareness, Little Einsteins maintains the unique educational philosophy of using classical music, art, and real-world imagery to engage and teach preschoolers about the natural world around them.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
We have a few little einstein books, and we are not overly fond of them. The DVDs are great, and the kids enjoyed the books on the first reading - but after they would ask for a different book. They lack a little substance. Melody the music pet is all over the place - we bought the book as it shared our daughters name, and even that novelty can't keep her interest. I would not recommoend this. I don't normally take the time to write reviews - but I was dissapointed enough with this book that it got me typing

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Christine: 寻找火车票 2011/11/22 9:21:00
Music Pet丢了车票,于是大家都帮助他找,朋友们四处寻找,树上、地上,艾菲尔铁塔上....最终找到了车票,Music Pet顺利乘上了火车。这是我和4岁的孩子第一次读little Einsteins系列,但好像还有点不摸门。内容和语言都不是太对路子,孩子兴趣不大,下回不准备借这个系列了。
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