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Maisy Goes to the Museum  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Cousins, Lucy
Series: Maisy 
Category: Fiction - Experience  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780763643706  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Series / 所属系列:
Maisy :  Maisy, 针对很小的小孩子的动画片,在美国、加拿大的电视节目、在轮船的孩子玩耍区都在播放。绘本图画鲜艳,字少而且大,适合3岁以下孩子亲子阅读,或者3-6岁孩子自主阅读。

Overview / 简介:
On a rainy-day visit to the museum, Maisy and her friends explore everything from dinosaurs to a moon exhibit, from vintage vehicles to a giant dollhouse to the food exhibit. There’s always something new (or old) to see at a museum, and for little readers, it’s good to have a friend like Maisy along for the adventure.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 1—In this installment in the series, the mouse and her friends spend a rainy day at a natural history museum. On each spread, the familiar characters describe what they find in each exhibit. Cousins's flat-color gouache illustrations outlined in heavy black are friendly and familiar for young children and the explanations of what one might find in a museum can spark interest. A few terms, such as "marvel," "vintage," and "exhibit," will have to be explained to the youngest listeners.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The weather wasn't the best for doing things outside so Maisy decided to gather up her friends and they were "going to the museum." They were all excited when they saw the bones of a T. Rex and one of her fossilized eggs. Their eyes became wide and their expressions showed their delight. When they got to the section with things to ride in Charley got excited and looked "at the vintage car . . . and the old bicycle . . . and the double decker bus!" They were all delighted to look at a biplane, a satellite and a rocket. Maisy's imagination and excitement went wild when she saw the rocket. Tallulah especially enjoyed the vintage toy section. Look at that dollhouse! `Maisy and Charley marveled at the brightly colored birds in the animal exhibit." The museum was the perfect activity for a rainy day. There were bugs and a "saber-toothed cat" (Cyril's new friend). Eddie enjoyed looking at the "woolly mammoth." They were able to see and do all kinds of things at the museum from drawing, playing with puppets to having a nice lunch in the museum café. It was such a fun day. What do you like to do on a rainy day? This is a great book to read aloud to your preschooler or one an emergent reader can work on with a bit of help. Before long, you can be guaranteed your little someone will have this book memorized and will be "reading" it to you! The art work is bright and very appealing. If you've read any others in the Maisy series, you certainly won't be disappointed with this one!

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