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Series / 所属系列: |
Brand New Readers
: 这个系列的书,每本包含4本类似 Hooked on Phonics K 的教材中书 Cat 那样8页的精读书,故事更有趣,图画更大更好。Cat 的书照片,参考博客:Hooked On Phonics Kindergarten
Overview / 简介: |
Based on what experts know about how children learn to read, BRAND NEW READERS are short, funny stories with words and pictures that help children reading for the very first time succeed—and have fun!
BRAND NEW READERS are for children who are just cracking the reading code. Readers ages four to seven can master BRAND NEW READERS immediately—even the first time through.
BRAND NEW READERS are funny and appealing stories, irresistibly packaged, and just right for first-time readers. Each title in this unique series includes four high-quality, full-color, eight-page paperback books in a sturdy slipcase. Kids will want to collect them all!
Visit www.brandnewreaders.com to learn more about this unique new series! |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Kindergarten-Grade 1-Each book has four tales, all preceded by an introduction that tells what the story is about. A "Helping Your Brand-New Reader" page explains how to share these entries with the youngest readers. In the first title, the orange-striped feline searches for a mouse, plays with some yarn, wakes the African-American boy with whom she lives, and hides in a drawer. In the second volume, the mischievous Tabby chases things, hunts for food, swats some vegetables, and washes herself. The illustrations provide good context clues and mirror the humor of the texts. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
An incredible begining book for a first time reader. My daughter 4 yrs. old picked it up and began reading, really reading for the first time. The relationship of words and illustrations make the book easily understandable, fun to look at and easy to follow along with for first time readers. After I bought this set of books I went back and purchased them all. Highly recommend this for first time readers. A smile will show you why. |
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Cindy: 小豆宝自己写书评---TABBY CAT
| 2010/12/3 17:00:00 |
今天妈妈从安妮图书馆借来了11本书.我已经看了两本了.一本是TABBY CAT AT NIGHT.另一本是OH NO, NO SHORTS! 第二本书是TABBY CAT, 讲的是SAMMY睡觉的时候,小猫一点都不听话,一会儿弹钢琴,一会儿玩皮球,一会儿玩自己的尾巴,一会儿玩毛线,还有好多好多的东西.SAMMY哥哥吵得没有办法睡觉.SAMMY说:"TABBY, 安静! TABBY, 安静!" SAMMY被吵得满头大汗!小猫还在吵,一会儿玩这个,一会儿玩那个.SAMMY哥哥只好把耳朵堵上,不要听到TABBY的声音了.这个TABBY又吵又不听话,我感觉TABBY CAT肯定吵得象轰隆隆雷声巨响的样子.所以你们也不要象TABBY CAT学哦.如果你们学了TABBY CAT就会吵醒你们的爸爸妈妈的.
Cindy: 小豆包自己写书评---WHERE IS TABBY CAT
| 2010/12/5 17:58:00 |
"WHERE IS TABBY CAT"说的是SAMMY在找TABBY CAT,是不是在沙发下啊?在椅子下?在书桌下?只听见小猫喵地一声,SAMMY想TABBY CAT应该是在抽屉里吧?那个抽屉里还有花花绿绿的好几本书呢!花花绿绿的好几支铅笔下面就是藏着小猫TABBY了.哇,真的是TABBY CAT呀!SAMMY高高兴兴地和小猫抱在了一起!
Cindy: 小豆包自己写书评---MOUSE HUNT
| 2010/12/8 22:19:00 |
"MOUSE HUNT"里面写的是SAMMY家的小猫看盒子里,书包里,盘子里等等都没有老鼠. TABBY CAT找到了被子下面,扑了过去,看到了老鼠,翻开被子,是SAMMY! 不是小老鼠! 我看得很开心. 我下次看到了老鼠,我也好想去抓老鼠.
Cindy: 小豆包自己写书评---TABBY CAT'S SCARF
| 2010/12/8 22:21:00 |
"TABBY CAT'S SCARF"这本书写的是,SAMMY的妈妈给SAMMY织了一条又新又好看,五彩缤纷的围巾. SAMMY家的小猫TABBY找到了毛线,小猫看到了这么的多的毛线, 兴奋得不得了,一会儿抓,一会儿在里面滚来滚去,一会儿把毛线绕在手臂上,一会儿把毛线当成老鼠,在抓老鼠,一会儿把毛线当成毛茸茸的动物,抓来抓去,玩来玩去,还把毛线当成了围巾.而且这条围巾五彩缤纷,漂亮,美丽极了!我看了这个小故事,好想自己也做一条围巾哦,我想象中我做的围巾比店里买的,比爸爸妈妈做的都要暖和,都要舒服.你们听了我的小故事,你们是不是也想去做一条又大又暖和的围巾呢?
格格: 推荐!
| 2011/11/10 9:40:00 |
这些小故事每次我都会借一套,每次都学习一些新的单词,本本书基本都是句型不变,换个单词,有很幽默有趣,孩子容易接受。适合刚起步的小朋友,可以增强小朋友的自信心。 小问题是孩子基本读过一遍就不想读第二遍了,不过也是妈妈检验小朋友水平的一个办法,同时也可以利用这些书帮小朋友学些新的单词。 |
roxyhe: Tabby和Sammy
| 2012/4/1 10:53:00 |
Tabby和Sammy是一对好朋友,tabby是一只淘气的小猫,他在妈妈织围巾的时候捣蛋,还在半夜sammy睡觉的时候把他吵醒,还喜欢和sammy玩捉迷藏。 |