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Movie for Dogs
Author:   Duncan, Lois
Category: Fiction - Pet  General 

ISBN: 9780545109314  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 508 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 5.99
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
The hilarious sequel to HOTEL FOR DOGS (made into the hit movie!) and NEWS FOR DOGS! Andi and her canine friends are back for their biggest adventure yet -- Hollywood! When Andi's brother Bruce wants to enter a dog-themed film-making contest, Andi jumps at the opportunity to become a screenwriter. But neither of them expects what happens next -- a producer wants their movie! Can Andi and Bruce's show (and dogs) go Hollywood? Show More Show Less

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Wittier and looser in plot development than its predecessors (Hotel for Dogs, 2008, and News for Dogs, 2009), which center on Andi, her brother Bruce, and their devotion to their doggie acquaintances, this episode offers both fans and newcomers plenty of delicious meat. Andi gets shut out of a kids' writing contest by a neighborhood nemesis, who bargains with her and Bruce so that the video they've made can reach the winners' circle of another dogcentric contest. Although the dogs themselves aren't front and center, this volume is a definite plus in a so far spotty series. Grades 4-6. --Francisca Goldsmith --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Inspired by her brother Bruce's struggle to help his abused and neglected dog, Red Rover, get over his past, Andi writes a creative story about it. When she enters it into a contest, however, their neighborhood nemesis and Red Rover's former abusive owner, Jerry Gordon, wins the contest. Determined to have Red Rover's story heard, Andi and Bruce decide to make it into a film for another contest. Their film soon gets noticed by a Hollywood producer, who wants to take it to the big screen. Jerry, though, is not too keen about his story becoming publicly known - and will stop at nothing to prevent this film from coming into being. Can Andi and Bruce see their dreams come true for both them and Red Rover, or will Jerry get his way? MOVIE FOR DOGS is a great book for dog lovers. The characters are well-developed; the plot is well-done and holds the reader's attention well. Those who liked the film or book version of HOTEL FOR DOGS, or who like books with animals, adventure, and realistic fiction, will all enjoy reading this sequel. Reviewed by: Kira M

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Lois Duncan was born in Philadelphia, PA, and grew up in Sarasota, FL. She knew from early childhood that she wanted to be a writer. She submitted her first story to a magazine at age 10 and became published at 13. Throughout her high school years she wrote regularly for young people's publications, particularly Seventeen. As an adult, Lois moved to Albuquerque, NM, where she taught magazine writing for the Journalism Department at the University of New Mexico and continued to write for magazines. Over 300 of her articles and stories appeared in such publications as Ladies Home Journal, Redbook, McCall's, Good Housekeeping, and Reader's Digest, and for many years she was a contributing editor for Woman's Day. Lois is the author of over 50 books, ranging from children's picture books to poetry to adult non-fiction, but is best known for her young adult suspense novels, which have received Young Readers Awards in 16 states and three foreign countries. In 1992, Lois was awarded the Margaret A. Edwards Award, presented by the School Library Journal and the ALA Young Adult Library Services Association for "a distinguished body of adolescent literature." In 2009, she received the Katharine Drexel Award, awarded by the Catholic Library Association "to recognize an outstanding contribution by an individual to the growth of high school and young adult librarianship and literature." Six of her novels -- SUMMER OF FEAR, KILLING MR. GRIFFIN, GALLOWS HILL, RANSOM, DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU and STRANGER WITH MY FACE -- were made-for-TV movies. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER and HOTEL FOR DOGS were box office hits. Although young people are most familiar with Lois Duncan's fictional suspense novels, adults may know her best as the author of WHO KILLED MY DAUGHTER?, the true story of the murder of Kaitlyn Arquette, the youngest of Lois's five children. Kait's heartbreaking story has been featured on such TV shows as Unsolved Mysteries, Good Morning America, Larry King Live, Sally Jessy Raphael and Inside Edition. A full account of the family's on-going personal investigation of this still unsolved homicide can be found on the Internet at http://kaitarquette.arquettes.com. Lois Duncan's personal web page is at http://loisduncan.arquettes.com.

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