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Hotel For Dogs
Author:   Duncan, Lois
Category: Fiction - Pet  Tie-in  General 

ISBN: 9780545107921  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 192 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 5.99
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Overview / 简介:
The Walkers are moving to a new town, and staying with an aunt who's allergic to dogs. Too bad for Andi and her brother Bruce, who love dogs -- and happen to meet a stray that needs help. Soon, Andi hatches a plan, turning the abandoned house down the block into a hotel for dogs. But as more and more tenants move in, the secret gets too big to keep. Can the kids save their canine castle? Or will the hotel have to close?
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From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Believe it or not, I wrote HOTEL FOR DOGS in 1971. The book came and went with little fan fare, because everyone wanted me to "stop playing around with books for younger readers" and get back to writing young adult suspense novels. Then, one day, in 2008, when my film agent was out in Hollywood, marketing firm rights to those popular suspense novels, one of the producers at Dreamworks asked, "Are those by the same Lois Duncan who wrote HOTEL FOR DOGS, my favorite book when I was a little boy?" The book was long out of print, and my agent had to phone me to find out. I dimly remembered having written that book, but it had been so long ago that I'd forgotten what it was about and had to order a used copy on line to find out. The rest is history. HOTEL FOR DOGS became a big screen movie, and I got to go to Hollywood to watch part of the filming. Hollywood makes everything more sensational, so my dog refuge, (which in the book was a deserted house), became a deserted hotel in the movie, and my original nine dogs became 60. I even got to be an extra in the scene where the dog catchers rush in to capture the dogs! Scholastic republished the book, and I continued on to take "Andi" and "Bruce" and their canine friends through further adventures in two sequels -- NEWS FOR DOGS and MOVIE FOR DOGS.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Andi Walker isn't your typical ten-year-old. One, she'd rather spend the day holed up in her bedroom writing poetry than waste time playing outside. Two, her mind is constantly buzzing away with fantastic ideas and schemes. Three, she's dedicated to her dog Bebe, and would do anything for the lovable pooch. Which is why she completely blows her top when she learns that not only is she being forced to move in with her Aunt Alice, and change schools, but she'll have to leave little Bebe behind, as well - all so her father can try out a new job. Just because Bebe is back home, however, doesn't mean that Andi is going to deny her love of dogs. Quite the opposite, in fact. Andi doesn't intentionally bring a dog back to Aunt Alice's house. She knows the rules that her parents have put in place - no dogs because Aunt Alice is allergic. Fine. But when a cute little stray follows Andi home one day, and promptly lets herself into the house Andi just knows that she can't simply turn the little pooch away. Especially not after she has a litter of puppies in one of the upstairs closets. No, it is up to Andi to protect the dog, and her family; so she enlists the help of her older brother Bruce. With Bruce by her side, Andi is able to set up a makeshift hotel for the stray in an abandoned house located right down the street. But then more and more guests begin to turn up. First there's Red Rover, an Irish Setter who is big, beautiful, and treated cruelly by his stuck-up owner. When he finally makes a break for it, Bruce and Andi are convinced that the only safe place for him is the new hotel for dogs. Then there's sweet MacTavish - a mutt who spends his days begging for scraps in the school playground. Before they know it, the house is overflowing with hungry dogs. It's an overwhelming predicament, but Andi is secretly thrilled. Finally she has found a fun way to spend her often lonely days - running a dog hotel. But then things begin to go awry and Andi wonders if she and Bruce will be able to keep the hotel for dogs a secret, or if they'll have to close its doors forever. I read Lois Duncan's young adult books for years, and had no idea that she had ever written anything for children until I stumbled upon HOTEL FOR DOGS. I am so glad that I finally discovered this, because I have quickly grown to love it. Even as a reader in my early twenties, I have found that I was able to easily identify with the main character Andi. She is such a relatable person, whose kind heart, bookish nature, and oft-times tough exterior is fun from the first page to the very last. Anyone who loves animals will easily fall head over heels with HOTEL FOR DOGS. Two paws up! Erika Sorocco Freelance Reviewer http://cafefashionista.blogspot.com

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Lois Duncan modeled the main character in HOTEL FOR DOGS after her childhood self. Like Andi, Lois knew from an early age that she wanted to be a writer and started submitting stories to magazines when she was ten. Today she is the author of 50 books, most of them for young people. She lives in Sarasota, Florida, with her husband, and can be found online at http://loisduncan.arquettes.com/.

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