From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 1—Vanilla Cupcake feels woefully inadequate compared to his deliciously decorated siblings. "Chocolaty Chocolate," "Fancy Flower-Top," and "Rainbow-Sprinkles" are immediately chosen, leaving him alone on the plate. A green candle overhears Vanilla's sobs and comes up with a solution: "Hey, you just need a special topping." Candle's kooky suggestions—pickles, smelly cheese, a squirrel—will elicit a lot of laughs. Candle and Cupcake are eventually united, but a surprise ending will bring more chuckles. Harper imbues her childlike line drawings with lots of personality. A recipe for cupcakes (plain, of course) is included. Readers will gobble up the goofy humor.—Linda Ludke, London Public Library, Ontario, Canada
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
"Cupcake" is a glitter-encrusted, fancy book about fancy cupcakes and one special vanilla cupcake with white frosting who was not quite so special. Feeling a little less glitterati than his fancier peers (like Polka-Dot Cupcake, Rainbow Sprinkles Cupcake, Cupcake starts to cry when he is the last cupcake on the platter uneaten. However a friendly candle hears Cupcake crying and comes to the rescue with a number of ridiculous suggestions that first distract Cupcake and finally actually cheer him up. A surprise ending is in store, but kids age 3 and above will not be disappointed with their reading experience of "Cupcake."
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