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Jake Drake, Know-It-All
Author:   Clements, Andrew / Janet Pedersen
Series: Jake Drake 
Category: Fiction - Experience  Social  School 

ISBN: 9781416939313  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 112 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Jake Drake

Overview / 简介:
Gr 2-4-Fourth-grader Jake Drake looks back on his third-grade science-fair project. Sure, he learned a lot about electromagnets, but he learned even more about the pitfalls of being a know-it-all. It all started when his principal announced the school's first-ever science fair. The plot thickened when a local businessman announced that a computer would be the grand prize. A self-described computer nut, Jake refused to work with his best friend because he didn't want to share the prize. Finally, it came to him that his single-mindedness was turning him into a person he didn't like, and his project wasn't fun. Even though he and his partner took second prize, and thus no computer, Jake valued the experience. He sounds like a regular fourth grader as he describes his teachers and classmates. But he also digs deep to reveal the character-building lessons in everyday events. Full-page, black-and-white drawings show the competitive classmates as they work toward winning the great prize. A cut above the usual beginning chapter book because of its depth, this realistic plot and Jake's personality will seal the deal with transitional readers.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My 3rd grade son just read this book and LOVED it. It introduced him to how a science fair works and taught him about the scientific method - observation, question, hypothesis, method, result, conclusion. However, this wasn't just a dull science story. The author uses a lot of humor and there were several underlying themes in the story. Jake Drake really wants to win first prize (a Hyper-Cross-Functional Bluntium Twelve Computer System)at the science fair. To do so, he shuns his best friend who wants to be his partner on the project because Jake doesn't want to share the prize. When his friend decides to drop out of the contest because the class "know-it-alls" have been flaunting their projects and he knows he won't win, Jake realizes that he's not having fun working alone on his project and invites his friend to be his partner. Suddenly, the project becomes fun and winning doesn't seem to matter any more. The result...sorry, you'll have to read the book!

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