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Jake Drake, Teacher's Pet
Author:   Clements, Andrew
Series: Jake Drake 
Category: Fiction - Growth 

ISBN: 9780545079006  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 96 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.95
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Jake Drake

Overview / 简介:
Fourth-grader Jake Drake is tired of being smartest, but his brains and humor save him from "real-life school problems that plague kids in classrooms everywhere."—SLJ

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Rating: four and half stars. Jack Drake teacher's pet is a great book, If you want to a laghf you are in for a treat. I enjoyed this book because it really makes me laghf. Its a captavading book. Whenever I stop reading I wish I could read more. It feels like if you where sucked into the book. Its amazing that an adult can wright so well about a child. Hes in the same grade as me so I can rely relate to what Jake Drake going threw. The book is about a 10 year old boy in the 4th grad hew tries to be a normal kid but turns out becoming teachers pet. For example one day in the cafeteria Jake and his friend did rock paper scissors for how to decide who cleaned up the table. Jake lost so he was cleaning the table. When the principal came over and announced to the entire cafeteria what a good example Jake was as he not only cleaned up his spot, but the the mess of another student who did not take responsibility for his mess. He wasn't cleaning it because he was such a good guy, he just lost the bet to his friend, so he goto to be the garbage guy .. to the teachers he was fun,smart, and popular how ever to the kids he was hated, disrespected. This FRUSTRATED Jake so he decided to act nasty so he wasn't teachers pet and gain his respect back from the rest of the kids. What happens next I think is hilarious. But I am not going to tell you, you well have to find out your self.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Most of my characters are fairly normal people who are dealing with the basics of everyday life--getting along with others, finding a place in the world, discovering talents, overcoming challenges, trying to have some wholesome fun along the way, and getting into some scrapes and a little mischief now and then, too. I guess I hope my readers will be able to see bits and pieces of themselves in the stories, particularly the novels that take place in and around school. School is a rich setting because schools and education are at the heart of every community. The stories that are set in school seem to resonate with kids, teachers, parents, librarians--readers of all ages. Everyone's life has been touched by school experiences. And I also hope, of course, that kids and others will enjoy reading, enjoy the use of language, enjoy my storytelling.

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