畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Author:   Wallace, Bill / Jacqueline Rogers
Category: Fiction - Animals  Experience  Humorous 

ISBN: 9780823417575  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 126 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 16.95
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
When Jeff's girlfriend leaves a Labrador retriever puppy with his family for a week, his dog T.P. and cat Cord hope the energetic puppy does not stay any longer.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2-4-Told from a bird dog's point of view, this sibling-rivalry story chronicles the arrival and gradual assimilation of a puppy into the family. T.P.'s narration has its funny moments as he pouts, growls at Mocha's incessant questions, and thinks that he has outfaced three coyotes before seeing that he has been rescued by the appearance of Jeff, his boy. The older dog is able to prove himself, however, when a Canada goose tries to attack the swimming puppy and nearly drowns her. Wallace creates plausible doglike thoughts and selects what T.P. is able to comprehend: he can decipher human talk, but doesn't understand telephones, television, or the remote-controlled "magic gate." He has a doggy nose for scents, enjoys marking the territory as he checks out the rural property, and treats the family cat with friendly camaraderie. Some readers may enjoy the budding romance between Jeff and Mocha's former owner, but it's difficult from the text to determine how old these children are. They appear to be about 10 or 11 in Rogers's pencil-sketched illustrations. Less stylish and demanding than James Howe's "Bunnicula" series, this beginning chapter book should appeal to fans of talking-animal stories and those looking for a light and humorous read.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book, Goosed, by Bill Wallace is a very good fictional animal story. This story takes place in a house with a dog and with his owner, a boy named Jeff who has some problems with telling his parents things at the last minute. You see T.P. is a dog and he's always in a good mood even when he gets in trouble. T.P. got his name by causing a T.P. with toilet paper around the house, T.P. lives with a cat named Cord and Cord is a very sensitive cat because if someone tries to attack him, he scratches them like when T.P. tried to attack him, Cord gave T.P. a great scratch. T.P. always does something to make the mom and dad mad, like he scratches the window when he wants to show them something. But there's a problem, Jeff's friend Mandy Bowen had a liter of 6 pups. They sold 5 but they want Jeff to baby sit the last one when Mandy and her parents go on Spring break. Jeff is in big trouble because he said he'd take care of that last dog without, asking his parents. So now he's waited until the last minute to tell hi mama and daddy so they're furious with him because he told them on the day that Mandy was leaving. The Problem is that when the puppy gets over to the house T.P. feels like that puppy is taking his place in the family because Jeff loves that puppy instead of T.P. For example- after T.P. does his business in the snow Jeff only let that puppy in and T.P. had to keep scratching at the porch door for 5-10 minutes. That's why T.P. is feeling that that puppy is replacing him. Any way, one day when Jeff, Mandy, Mocha (The new puppy), and T.P. went to the park to play. Problem was that Mocha thought a goose was her ball, so she swam after it. And when she got to the goose the goose saw Mocha and tried to drown her. T.P. swam after Mocha when the goose was drowning her and when T.P. got to the goose; T.P. and the goose started a WWE smack down. A few minutes later T.P. defeated the goose and Mocha swam out of the water. When they got home T.P. started to like Mocha but she still kept asking him 300 questions at a time. So T.P. got used to living with Mocha but he still had to find out a way to shut her up. So she doesn't ask to many questions at a time. So if you read this story it's kind of funny and kind of scary.

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