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Do Like a Duck Does!  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Hindley, Judy / Ivan Bates
Category: Fiction - Tales 

ISBN: 9780763632847  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
reschool-Grade 1--While out for a walk, Mama Duck and her five babies meet a stranger who claims that he is also a duck, despite his "wicked foxy nose" and matching smile. Not fooled for a minute, Mama puts him to the test, watching closely as he tries to imitate the birds' behavior. After catching him drooling over one of her offspring, she leads the group into a river, where all of the ducks pop back up to the surface and the intruder sinks like a stone. Filled with bouncy rhymes and alliteration, the text is delightful to read aloud. The tension builds throughout the story, but the tone remains light, and there is never any doubt that Mama Duck has things firmly under control. The double-page watercolor paintings feature the earthy tones of the farmyard setting. Soft gray and black lines add detail and a sense of movement to the pictures. Humorous moments are highlighted, as the fox tries to waddle, chokes down a mouthful of bugs, and holds his nose while jumping into the water. His appearance goes from sleek and sinister to damp and defeated, while Mama Duck never ruffles a feather. A perfect choice for storytime, this enjoyable tale pairs well with others about foxes outfoxed, such as Mem Fox's Hattie and the Fox (Bradbury, 1987) or Pat Hutchins's Rosie's Walk (Macmillan, 1968).

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Mama Duck is out leading her five baby ducks, and putting them through their paces. "Quack!" says Mama Duck./"That's the way to be!/Do like a duck does!/Do like me!" But who's that "creep-creeping" at the end of the line? He says he's a duck, a big brown duck, "Well, he has no feathers/and he has no beak./He has four claws/on his hairy-scary feet./He has two ears/that stick up a mile,/and a wicked/foxy nose/and a wicked/foxy smile." But shrewd Mama Duck isn't really fooled. She tells that old fox, "Do like a duck does", and pretty soon she has him waddling, scuttling, and strutting, jumping into mud puddles, eating bugs and beetles, running through thistles, and diving into the river. "Down go the ducklings, all tails up! And down goes the stranger. Glup! Glup! Glup!" Judy Hindley's entertaining text is full of rhyme, rhythm, and lots of energy, and complemented by Ivan Bates' engaging illustrations. Each action filled, two page spread is rich in farmyard detail, humor, marvelous facial expressions, and personality that bring the characters to life. And as that old "hairy-scary" fox slinks home with his tail between his legs, little ones will revel at being in on all the fun. Perfect for preschoolers, Do Like A Duck Does! is a joyous, manic romp kids will beg to read again and again, and that's sure to become a new favorite at your house.

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avagrow: 对妈妈的教育书 2011/1/21 17:23:00
这本书刚借来的时候翻了一下,觉得也不怎么样的。后来跟儿子一起读完一遍以后,我突然很感动。因为鸭妈妈是从一开始就知道狐狸不是鸭子的,而狐狸靠近鸭子假说自己是鸭子,目的也很明显,就是想吃小鸭子。所以其实对于五只小鸭子来说,这是很大的一个危险。鸭妈妈是意识到了的。但是她没有慌张,甚至一个字都没有透露这份危险,而是巧妙的带着小鸭子跳到泥潭,后来又潜到水中,好像跟玩游戏一样的,说他不是鸭子。几次危险,都是鸭妈妈的机智使狐狸的诡计不能得逞,而小鸭子在整个的过程中,对危险浑然不觉,反而高高兴兴的玩了一天。鸭妈妈不仅保护了小鸭子的生命,更保护了孩子的心灵免于惊吓。这让我想到以前看过的一个电视片,说一个孩子不小心把一个尖尖的水果刀插到了心脏处。孩子吓坏了,妈妈却镇定的安慰孩子,让孩子不要动,打120. 如果妈妈先吓的大叫,孩子肯定也会大叫大哭,这样损伤就会大得多。真的,当母亲的,面对危险这份镇静和从容显得多么重要。这真是需要所有的妈妈学习的。
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mmccrr: 有趣的故事 2010/12/13 9:35:00
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