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Class President
Author:   Sachar, Louis / Amy Wummer
Series: Marvin Redpost 
Category: Fiction - Experience  Humorous  School 

ISBN: 9780679889991  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 72 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Marvin Redpost

Overview / 简介:
Marvin's third-grade class is celebrating "hole day" when the President of the United States pays them a surprise visit. A television crew films the action as the president leads the class in a discussion of good citizenship and answers their questions on a variety of topics. Sachar's wit brightens the book, but the humor never overwhelms his depiction of the small, everyday expressions of human nature and, in particular, the child's experiences, such as Marvin's simple enjoyment of "hole day"; his frustration when his parents won't listen to him; and the way his brain turns off when the president asks his name. An entertaining addition to a popular series of beginning chapter books. To be illustrated.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2-4-It's an unusual day at Marvin's school: everyone, including his teacher and the principal, is wearing something with holes in it. All come to regret "hole day" when they find out they will be having a surprise visitor-the President of the United States. As the teacher frantically tries to cover up the tear in her shirt that reveals her belly button, television crews enter the classroom. When the president arrives, he talks to the children about good citizenship and then allows time for questions. Marvin is so caught up in the excitement of the day that he forgets to go right home after school and finds himself in big trouble with his parents. All is forgiven, however, when his folks see him with the president on TV that night. Sachar exhibits a keen sense of the way a typical third grader thinks and he sprinkles the text with believable dialogue. Through a perfect blend of humor and thoughtful prose, he drives home the point of what good citizenship is without being didactic. The lively text is broken up periodically with black-and-white drawings. Despite its rather abrupt ending, this beginning chapter book will appeal to fans of the series.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Marvin Redpost is a third-grader at Dogwood Elementary School. This week has been a specialweek at Dogwood Elementary. Everyday they have worn something outrageous such as socks that do not match, and today is "hole day". Every one,including the teacher and principal,is wearing clothes with holes in them. The only problem is that there is going to be a suprise visit from the President of the United States. This is a great chapter book for beginning readers. Even though the language is simple,LouisSachar makes an interesting and humorous tale that young readers will enjoy. Marvin Redpost and the other kids in Mrs. North's third-grade class are characters that almost any young reader will identify with and enjoy reading about.

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