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Alone in His Teacher's House
Author:   Sachar, Louis / Barbara Sullivan
Series: Marvin Redpost 
Category: Fiction - Experience  Humorous  Social 

ISBN: 9780679819493  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 84 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Marvin Redpost

Overview / 简介:
Gr. 2-4. The latest easy chapter book about Marvin starts off with the usual hilarious comedy. Marvin's teacher asks him to care for her aging dog, Waldo, while she's away for a week, and she gives Marvin the key to her house. First, there's the shock of seeing his teacher with a life outside the classroom ("Mrs. North was almost like a real person"). All his classmates envy him. He tries to act mature and responsible, not allowing his friends in Mrs. North's house, walking Waldo, coaxing Waldo to eat, even eating the dog food himself to make sure it's all right. But Waldo won't eat, and the story takes a surprising turn when the dog dies. Marvin must cope with his feelings of guilt and sadness and with his isolation as the kids at school and the substitute teacher turn on him. The farcical cover showing an embarrassed Marvin in his teacher's clothes closet is totally misleading. However, readers will relate to the tension and reversal in the story. They'll recognize Marvin's feelings, both the humor of having to confront your teacher as a person and the sorrow at the death of a beloved pet.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
This title will lure the most reluctant readers, who will be as glad to make Marvin's acquaintance as his old fans will be to greet a new adventure.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I picked up this book after reading Sachar's "Holes" to my elementary aged kids, and I was very pleased with the content. In this book, Sachar allows his readers to see life from the perspective of a regular, everyday kid -- and reading it inspired a "what-would-you-do-in-that-situation" dialogue with my own regular, everyday kids. I truly appreciated seeing a young person in this age range (the 3rd grade-ish Marvin Redpost) portrayed as having a conscious, a sense of responsibility, and the awareness to have compassion for others. Marvin is faced with a pretty grown-up sized situation concerning a beloved pet, and I think it's handled with grace and tenderness. I was pleased to see my children feeling compassion for this character, and I'm looking forward to reading more of Marvin's adventures to my own kids.

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