畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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My Dog's the Best!:
Author:   Calmenson, Stephanie
Category: Level Reading-1  Fiction

ISBN: 9780590330725  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Gr. 1. Young dog lovers will appreciate the sentiments expressed by the children in this book. One child thinks her dog is the best because he's small, another likes his dog because he's tall. One dog is shaggy, one is smooth. Another dog is a good protector, another does tricks. The simple words and sentence structure will push new readers along as will the engaging watercolors featuring a host of appealing pups. The final spread, at a dog show, makes clear that every dog owner thinks his or her pet is the best, "because he's mine!" Ilene Cooper

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
MY DOG'S THE BEST by Stephanie Calmenson and illustrated by Marcy Ramsey is a 30-page small format book for toddlers. Every page contains a full-page illustration, apparently in watercolor or diluted acrylics, depicting a different child with his or her dog. The final four pages show all of the children from the book, together in an ensemble scene with all of the dogs. The text starts out like this: "My dog's the best. He's big." (NEXT PAGE) "My dog's the best. She's small." (NEXT PAGE) "My dog's the best. She's short." (NEXT PAGE) "My dog's the best. He's tall." (NEXT PAGE) "My dog's the best. No, my dog's the best." (NEXT PAGE) "No, my dog's better than yours!" (NEXT PAGE) "My dog's the best. He's shaggy." And so on. The book concludes with an enemble scene with the text, "My dog's the best because he's mine." The writing is repetitive of course, as is the writing in the classic Dick and Jane series of books. The Dick and Jane books have text like this: "Oh, Jane. Look and see. See Sally go. See Tim go. See Spot and Puff go." (quoted from READ WITH DICK AND JANE). Each illustration in MY DOG'S THE BEST shows a child in a different setting, e.g., at the beach, in a sheep pasture with the shaggy dog, with some middle school cheerleaders, with a turtle in the foreground, roller skating, playing dress-up with mother's party clothes, playing Frisbee, and so on. The style of the drawings is straightforward, as in the classic Dick and Jane books. The artist was not attempting to break any new artistic territory in illustrating this book. The illustrations are just as they should be, for a toddler's book. But in one respect, the illustrations are not like those of the classic Dick and Jane books. There are African Americans, a Puerto Rican, Asians, and European-descent children too. The writing taps into one of the naturally ingrained characteristics found in toddlers, namely, the concept that something is "mine." Because of this, toddlers will like this book. For toddlers, this is what life is all about, at least to some extent-- establishing that something is "mine." MY DOG'S THE BEST is not a "must own" book. My list of "must own" books include: THE LITTLE HOUSE by Virginia Lee Burton, THE STORY ABOUT PING by Marjorie Flack, CAPS FOR SALE by Esphyr Slobodkina, the books illustrated by Tibor Gergley, and of course RICHARD SCARRY'S BEST STORYBOOK EVER! by Richard Scarry.

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