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Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Christelow, Eileen
Series: Five Little Monkeys 
Category: Fiction - Animals  Language 

ISBN: 9780395557013  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 带CD或磁带的书,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 5.95
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Series / 所属系列:
Five Little Monkeys

Overview / 简介:
As soon as they say good night to Mama, the five little monkeys start to jump on their bed. But trouble lies ahead as, one by one, they fall off and hurt themselves.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 1-- In a brief prelude to the title rhyme, five little monkeys ready themselves for bed, and say goodnight to their mother. Then, really getting down to business, they launch into some serious bed-jumping. Young children familiar with this popular finger play will appreciate Christelow's incorrigible monkeys, jumping with abandon, oblivious to the repeated warning: "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" Newcomers will find the rhyme a delightful discovery which begs to be repeated. With each successive casualty, mother monkey dutifully consults the doctor, and bandages the wounds. Finally, all five battle-weary monkey children are asleep, and mother can go to bed. Colored pencil drawings in soft pastels depict the totally silly but lovable monkey family and its doctor. This is a natural for younger story hours, and can also be used with beginning readers. Whether sublimely happy or ridiculously goofy, Christelow's expressive monkeys pack a lot of appeal.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I first read this book to a group of sixteen two year olds. They had a wonderful time echo reading. They were learning and did not even know it. I think books that have expressive, repetitive lines are sensational. I recommend this book for any parent or teacher teaching reading.

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edithwy: 超级funny的一本书 2010/11/10 15:59:00
最早是听金宝贝的cd,里面有童谣似的念词就是"three little monkey jumping on the bed....",非常可爱。后来看到这本书,赶紧拿回来看。那个下午这本书,小家伙连着让我讲了4,5遍,越讲越high,后来就开始慢床乱蹦,非常的兴奋,小孩子特别喜欢这种搞笑的故事。最难能可贵的是,当讲到最后一页,发现妈妈在小猴子们都睡觉了以后居然自己也跑床上蹦去了,我都禁不住乐了,我俩一起笑的前仰后合的。


3 顶.  
小美妈妈: 2岁半宝宝最喜欢的书 2011/2/19 18:14:00
0 顶.  
安息香: 能引起2岁宝宝共鸣的书 2011/9/16 14:01:00
因为小皮蛋对《语感》里《Three little momkeys》的故事非常非常喜欢,所以书里的情节他已经很熟悉了,我们经常是一边唱一边看的。两岁的小皮蛋可以一口气唱:mommy call the doctor and the doctor said,no more little monkeys jumping on the bed 。本书和《语感》稍不同的是,最后结束时候mommy 也学着小猴子在床上跳了起来,看到这里小皮蛋和我都大笑起来。
0 顶.  
anna_yxf: 非常棒得一本书 2012/1/16 14:31:00
0 顶.  
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