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Overview / 简介: |
Three humans and two cats
Five creatures live in our house. Three humans, and two cats. Three short, and two tall. Four grownups, and one child (that's me!).
In this book of lighthearted comparisons, simple text and warm pictures work together to depict various scenes in a happy household where each member is distinct but also has something inn common with one or more of the others. The fun comes from sorting out the similarities and the differences. Five Creatures is a 2001 Boston Globe - Horn Book Award Honor Book for Picture Books.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Three people and two cats form a cozy quintet in this volume, in which Jenkins (The Secret Life of Billie's Uncle Myron) playfully appraises a family's varied talents and tastes just the way a child learning to count might do. A girl, the diminutive version of her red-haired mother, does the accounting. She notices that of the "five creatures" in her family, there are "Four who like to eat fish.... Two who like to eat mice. Only one who likes to eat beets." A dinnertime image reveals each individual's preferences; purple vegetables fill the narrator's white plate, while the cats monitor a telltale hole in the wall. Round-the-clock glimpses of the household show "One who sings loud late at night" (a charcoal-gray cat in a moonlit window) and "one who sings in the morning" (the girl's father, standing over the sink in his striped pajamas). When her father falls asleep on the couch with the cats, the girl lists "Three who nap with the Sunday newspaper." She sits nearby, imitating her bookworm mother by flipping through a picture book: "Two who can read, and one who is learning." Bogacki (The Bird, the Monkey, and the Snake in the Jungle) suggests contentment with a subdued palette of autumn orange, sea green and creamy, pale yellow. His tranquil illustrations provide clues to Jenkins's narrative, which encourages deductive reasoning. Jenkins smoothly weaves logical analysis into a narrative that exudes warmth, and the book concludes with a gentle scene of togetherness: "Five who sit together in the evening by the fire." Ages 3-6. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
The most notable aspect of this charming picture book is the picture design, with old- world appeal vying with playful humor to create a perfect background for the whimsical text. Five family members are presented, with three humans and two cats sharing certain qualities and just as often showing their differences. The text is presented as part of the page design and draws the reader into the illustrations.
One who sings loud late at night
And one who sings in the morning.
The illustration on the left shows the male cat (with grey hair) yowling on the windowsill and the male human (with grey hair) singing into the mirror as he shaves. The story is told from the viewpoint of the one child in the story, one of three with orange hair. |
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风过不留痕: 一本适合亲子共读书的书
| 2010/12/10 20:23:00 |
明一: 视频
| 2011/9/26 12:18:00 |
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg4MzkwNDI0.html |
佳儿: 迄今为止最喜欢的书
| 2011/12/23 10:35:00 |
这本书完全就是一个意境,捧着书,听着音乐,配的非常好。觉得人的生活原来可以这样的从容,和谐,宁静和美好。我觉得这本书的意义和传递给孩子的美感更加重要,言语简单,朗朗上口。 连女儿都感觉的到其中的从容不迫。大家都在各做个的事,看似没有夹杂任何情绪的按部就班,实际上是人生幸福的最高境界。 我以为是 |
遥遥 6岁深圳: 温馨的一本书
| 2011/1/12 14:24:00 |
好温馨的一本书, 冬天和女儿抱在一起,看这本书, 真的觉的好幸福。 简单的书, 幸福的书。 |
上海maggie8: 一本可以让你活学活用的故事书
| 2011/9/18 23:38:00 |
这个我们在优酷上看过动画绘本,这次借回来是为了感受下绘本的魅力。然后我们把Five Creatures改成了Four Creatures,然后编了个Four Creatures的故事。书不在有多难易,图画温馨,然后能让孩子活学活用就是一本好书。
yanwanglijun: 孩子反复阅读的一本书
| 2011/10/30 23:49:00 |
这本书和我家的情景相似,也就比较吸引孩子的注意,是孩子反复读的一本书。音频非常优美,我们喜欢一边看着书,一边听着音频,两只猫咪在女儿的小床上睡觉。还原书里的情境,非常温馨。 |
格格: 推荐!
| 2011/11/10 8:17:00 |
明一的视频说明了一切,这是一本很温馨的书,女儿还不能自主阅读,但是这本书她却跟着我一起在画面中找并用英语说出了“几个长头发”“几个灰色头发”之类的,参与性很强的一本书,单词比较简单,孩子完全理解了,妈妈也很有成就感。 我女儿有个问题,不能很好地理解“creature”的含义,也拒绝听我的,不肯把小猫算进去,哈哈,我也就随着她了,孩子就这样,猫一天狗一天,等她愿意了,再跟她说,总之她能很好地理解书的意思,我就很开心啦。 |
轩妈: 儿子不是很感兴趣
| 2012/3/30 21:16:00 |
这本书没什么故事情节,主要是根据句子找相应的东西,很多单词我们都不会,儿子兴趣不是很大。 |
anna_yxf: 一大家子
| 2012/7/31 10:01:00 |
一家三口加两只猫组成一个很平凡的家,就是这个家每个人都有自己的不同,头发不一样,喜欢吃的不一样,喝的不一样,做很多事情的时候都不一样.尤其儿子看到两只猫和小女孩儿一样躲在盒子,高兴得不得了,这跟他喜欢在家躲来躲去的一样;还有就是爸爸看报纸的时候已经呼呼睡着了的时候,儿子高兴的很,有很重的幸灾乐祸的感觉在里面,很棒的一本亲子绘本. |
可乐妈: 这家有五个家庭成员
| 2012/8/22 14:00:00 |
爸爸妈妈女儿和两只小猫咪最成了一个温馨的家,三个矮个子,两个高个子;三个黄头发,两个灰头发;两个长头发,三个短发;四个喜欢吃鱼,三个喜欢牛奶,一个对牛奶过敏,还有一个只有放在咖啡里才会吃;两个喜欢吃老鼠;只有一个喜欢吃牛肉;三个喜欢睡在我的床上,三个不喜欢洗澡;三个会扣纽扣;四个会打开碗柜...... 这本书没有故事情节,把两个小猫咪也当成了家庭成员,充满了爱。绘画的风格也跟别的书不同。儿子还是挺喜欢看的,会自己主动寻找那两个可爱的猫咪。 |
xiaovanessa: 阅读频率很高的一本书
| 2012/9/5 19:25:00 |
描述了一家人的生活状态,很特别的画风,很有意思的文字,整本书体现了对生命的尊重,两只猫受到的待遇和人一样。很好的一本适合情景对应的书,音频也很不错,5岁女儿Lyn先听了好几遍的音频,然后我们一起看了一遍图,她就能把音频和书对应上。比如,three humans, two cats, three short, two tall, four grownups, one child, 她就在图上一一指出,一本书下来,基本都指对了。 我家孩子英语启蒙3个月,这本书是借的10本书中使用频率很高的一本。
蓉妈: 很有趣的一本书
| 2013/3/29 13:01:00 |
本书讲述了一家三口加两只猫组成一个很平凡的家,就是这个家每个人都有自己的不同,头发不一样,喜欢吃的不一样,喝的不一样,做很多事情的时候都不一样.尤其儿子看到两只猫和小女孩儿一样躲在盒子,高兴得不得了,这跟他喜欢在家躲来躲去的一样;还有就是爸爸看报纸的时候已经呼呼睡着了的时候,儿子高兴的很,有很重的幸灾乐祸的感觉在里面,非常有意思的一本书。 |
芭拉芭拉公主: 值得推荐
| 2013/4/6 9:47:00 |
和其他没有什么情节的书相比,这本书却很受孩子喜爱,很温馨的一本书,充满了爱,适合和宝宝一起阅读。绘画的风格也跟别的书不同。孩子还是挺喜欢看的,每看一页,就和孩子一起找书中的小动物,适合提问的方式进行阅读,孩子很有成就感。很不错的一本书,推荐! |
daniel妈咪2015: 好互动的书
| 2016/4/15 16:37:00 |
家庭成员 都是甚么样子的呢 这本书里面从不同的角度解析了这个问题,可以一问一答的方式把里面出现的都来个“换血”玩法··不错 |