畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Oranges on Golden Mountain
Author:   Partridge, Elizabeth / Aki Sogabe
Category: Fiction - Tales  General 

ISBN: 9780142500330  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
已经2年没有下雨了,稻田干涸,田地开裂。Jo Lee一家生活变得越来越困难,唯一活下来的只有桔子树。为了不让家人饿死,Jo Lee的妈妈决定将他送到美国加利福尼亚和四叔一起生活,临走时让他带着桔子枝。Jo Lee孤独的内心,忍不住思念家人,他的心总是飞回中国那个有妈妈和妹妹的家里。Jo Lee是否能够通过自己的辛劳,改善家人的生活呢?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Exquisitely complemented by Sogabe's (Aesop's Fox) subtly colored cut-paper illustrations, this unusual tale finds a Chinese boy adjusting to a new life in 19th-century California. Faced with drought and famine, Jo Lee's widowed mother reluctantly decides to send him to join his fisherman uncle "on Golden Mountain," as the Chinese then called California. His mother promises Jo Lee that he will never be alone: "Your dream spirit, your Hun, will make sure of that." She also gives him cuttings from her orange trees, which he dutifully plants and tends after his arrival. Partridge's (Clara and the Hoodoo Man) perceptive details enrich the story of Jo Lee's sojourn as he learns to fish in the San Francisco Bay and to "dance" on the shrimp in wooden shoes until they snap out of their shells, all the while saving for his family's eventual passage to America. Brief dream sequences express the boy's inner conflicts: in these, his Hun travels back to China to visit his mother and sister. Seamlessly constructed, the tale finds its match in Sogabe's eye-catching art. Her bold, confident lines and sophisticated shades combine the vigor of woodcuts with the delicacy of watercolor. An afterword provides additional information about the Chinese immigrant experience and the concept of the dream spirit. Ages 5-9. (Feb.)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Jo Lee has to leave China because his family orchard can not support everyone after two dry years in a row. Mother uses the last of the money Father sent to get Jo Lee to Fourth Uncle in California. She knows he will have food there and learn to fish. Jo Lee's comfort is that he can send his Hun, his dream spirit, to keep in touch with his family in China. He leaves his family orchard for California with the bundle of orange tree twigs his mother gives to him. When he reaches Golden Mountain, Fourth Uncle helps him plant the twigs.

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