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Why Do Snakes Hiss?
Author:   Holub, Joan / Anna DiVito
Series: Easy-To-Read 
Category: Level Reading-4  Nonfiction - Animals  Nature  Science 

ISBN: 9780142401057  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 48 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Easy-To-Read :  这是 Penguin 旗下 Puffin 的分级读物,每本书32页,故事性很强。这个系列读物需要有一定阅读基础(从 Level-2开始)或者作为亲子阅读材料。Puffin Easy to Read 在 Level 2-4 级别范围是和 Step into Reading, I Can Read 三分天下的分级读物。

Overview / 简介:
Many people like snakes, lizards, and turtles, and there’s so much to find out about all of these scaly-skinned animals. Are all snakes poisonous? Why do snakes shed their skin? What unusual things can lizards do? Do lizards ever lose their tails? Why do turtles have shells? Kids will find the answers—and much more—in this fun, fact-filled introduction to reptiles. Filled with colorful photographs and illustrations, this is just right for any reptile lover.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Gr. 1-2. From the Dial Easy-to-Read series, these books offer information and advice organized in question-and-answer format. Each book poses a series of queries and answers them on single pages and double-page spreads. Occasionally a question such as "What unusual things can lizards do?" leads to an answer that strings sentences together with little transition or connection beyond the broader topic. Other sections read more smoothly. Though the books begin and end with references to reptiles or birds as pets, their cataloging in the 500s reflects their emphasis on the animals' physical characteristics and behavior rather than their care. Birds considers matters such as feathers, diet, and nesting. snakes looks at the attributes of lizards and turtles as well as snakes. The photos and attractive ink drawings with color washes that come two to three to a page result in a colorful presentation with illustrations in different styles from many sources. Not essential, but these attractive books could hook kids. Carolyn Phelan

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Many people like snakes, lizards, and turtles, and there’s so much to find out about all of these scaly-skinned animals. Are all snakes poisonous? Why do snakes shed their skin? What unusual things can lizards do? Do lizards ever lose their tails? Why do turtles have shells? Kids will find the answers—and much more—in this fun, fact-filled introduction to reptiles. Filled with colorful photographs and illustrations, this is just right for any reptile lover.

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