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Old Tom Man Of Mystery
Author:   Hobbs, Leigh
Category: Fiction - Action  Humorous 

ISBN: 9781921541032  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 24 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
This hilarious spoof of a cat-and-mouse game played out by a mischievous cat and his good-natured owner is sure to please.

Angela Throgmorton lives with her mangy cat, the troublesome but lovable Old Tom. One morning, an overworked Angela decides that the time has come for Old Tom to help out a bit around the house. But when Angela makes a list of chores for him, Tom suddenly becomes sick. Angela puts him to bed and tells him to rest but Old Tom has other ideas. So while Angela is busy dusting and wiping and scrubbing and sweeping, Old Tom gets busy too …changing into the Man of Mystery!

Angela bakes some cakes and then notices fur on her freshly scrubbed floor. Later she finds crumbs on the carpet that has just been swept. But when Angela is awakened by strange footsteps in the middle of the night, she decides it is time to investigate. Soon she is off on her own adventure, shadowing the Man of Mystery!

Leigh Hobbs's colorful, zany illustrations capture the humor and warmth of a special friendship between two memorable characters.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 2–Angela Throgmorton is tired of doing all of the housework so she makes up a list of chores for her quirky and spoiled-rotten orange cat. Old Tom, of course, will have none of it and feigns illness. While he is supposedly recuperating in bed, he dons a disguise and emerges as The Man of Mystery and steals a cake that Angela has just baked and watches TV. That night the woman hears footsteps and follows The Man of Mystery around the neighborhood and city. Even though Old Tom gets busted, Angela forgives him in the end and still thinks she can get him to help out around the house. As in Old Tom's Holiday (Peachtree, 2004), the text tells a simple story but the brightly colored cartoon illustrations provide laugh-out-loud humor. Fans of Harry Allard and Dav Pilkey should enjoy this title.

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