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The Riddle of St. Leonard's
Author:   Robb, Candace
Category: Fiction - General 

ISBN: 9781845592370  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 368 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 9.99
押 金: ¥100
逾期借阅费: ¥15/月


Overview / 简介:
This story is set in Anno Domini 1369. The much loved Queen Philippa lies dying at Windsor, and the plague has returned to the city of York. In an atmosphere of fear and superstition, rumours spread that a spate of deaths at St Leonard's Hospital in York is no accident. The hospital is in debt and has suffered thefts: Sir Richard de Ravenser, Master of the Hospital, returns from Winchester painfully aware that scandal could ruin his own career. Anxious to avert a crisis, he requests the services of Owen Archer, spy for the Archbishop. With plague rife and the city's inhabitants besieging his wife, the Apothecary, for new cures, Owen Archer is unwilling to become involved. There is too little to link the victims to each other: the riddle seems unsolvable. But careful enquiries reveal a further riddle, connected to one of the victims. Is this where the truth lies?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
YA. The protagonist in this, the fifth mystery in the series, is the one-eyed former archer, now spy, for Archbishop John Thoresky of York. The time is A.D. 1369, Edward is king, Queen Phillippa is dying, and the plague has returned for a third time. The Bishop's nephew, Sir Richard de Ravenser, is Master of the Hospital at St. Leonard's. Someone is murdering "corrodians," the elderly boarders of the institution, and the hospital faces financial ruin. Archer, unwilling to leave his apothecary wife during this resurgence of the plague, is nevertheless forced into service for Sir Richard. His mission is to investigate the murders in York. As the story is played out, Robb weaves in an abundance of historical detail. The vocabulary, life style, role of a "spital" (hospital), and the Church in society give color and authenticity to the novel. An author's note is also provided.

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