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The Noisy Farm
Author:   McGee, Marni / Leonie Shearing
Category: Fiction - Animals  Farm 

ISBN: 9781582348797  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.95
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Overview / 简介:

Cock-a-doodle-doo! A rooster crows loudly and another noisy day at the farm begins. The farmer wakes up and we hear the floor creak under his feet. As he goes about his daily chores, a pail bumps his knee, pong, pong, poink! The cow moos while she is being milked, and the horses thumpety thump their hooves in anticipation of breakfast. But through all the click-clacking of the tractor and the oinking of the pigs, the quiet farmer never makes a peep. Only when his chores are finally done, and the sky is lit by stars, does the farmer stop for a moment to wish everything-from his cat to his cow, the stars and his plow-a hearty good night. At last the farm is quiet and the only sound we hear is the gentle snoring of the farmer, fast asleep after his busy day at the noisy farm.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreS–A very quiet farmer doesn't speak throughout the day but bids a fond "goodnight" to all of his animals at bedtime. From an early morning rising that begins with a rooster's crow, he goes about the business of taking care of his land and creatures. All the while, the onomatopoeic sounds he makes as he works are highlighted in the appealing pen-and-ink and watercolor illustrations. Going beyond animal calls, the author familiarizes youngsters with many different noises: the "Sizzle," "Bubble-de-blip," and "Gurgle" of breakfast being made; the "Click-clack" of the mower; and the "Whop-whop-bang" of a fence being repaired. This tale features smiling animals, sunshiny scenery, and an enviably contented man who enjoys his lot in life. With pictures bright and large enough to share with a group, this is a pleasant introduction to farm life and a variety of sounds.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Few will forget Old MacDonald Had A Farm whether we enjoyed it as children or made those moo, moos here and moo, moos there for our children. Personally, the oinks were my favorite. Well, there are just as many animal sounds to make young ones giggle on The Noisy Farm. The farmer is the only quiet person on his farm, and is known only as the quiet farmer. The story of a day in his life unfolds. He is, of course, awakened by a rooster's crow. Then, he immediately goes to work with full buckets making pong poink sounds against his knees as he feeds the chickens. Thus, it goes from morning to sundown. The cow moos as she is milked, and the milk goes splish-splash into a pail. As he enters the stable, the horses snort and their hooves make thumping sounds. At last as evening comes and his chores are all done the quiet farmer speaks with words. Ask young listeners to guess what those words are. Those who enjoy a giggle provoking story won't be disappointed with The Noisy Farmer.

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