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Harold Loves His Woolly Hat
Author:   Vern Kousky
Category: Fiction - Social  Personality  Citizenship  Bedtime  Growth 

ISBN: 9781524764678  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 17.99
押 金: ¥108
逾期借阅费: ¥18/月


Overview / 简介:
What makes a bear special? For Harold, it is his beloved striped woolly hat. He wears it when he sleeps, when he goes to school, and even when he takes his monthly bath. But when a crow whisks the hat off his head and high up into a nest, Harold doesn't feel so special anymore. He tries everything to get it back--offering the crow blueberries, worms, and even shiny objects--but alas, the crow will not budge. Turns out that the hat has a new special purpose: keeping three baby crows warm.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreS-Gr 2-This delightful story deals with problem-solving and identity in an accessible and appealing way. Harold knows he is a special bear because of his well-loved woolly hat, so when a crow steals it, he has to get it back. After attempting a series of trades, Harold loses his cool and attempts to steal it back, only to discover that three baby crows are nesting inside it. At that, he realizes that he is a special (and helpful!) bear even without the hat, and helps the crow care for her babies. Harold is an appealing, expressive character, and a perfect stand-in for his maturing preschool audience. The mixed-media illustrations are spare and reminiscent of Jon Klassen's style, incorporating a mix of spot art, full-page images, and spreads. Harold has oval eyes, an oversize head, and a round nose, and his hat is large, red-and-orange striped, with a pom-pom on top. The book's trim is tall and slender, emphasizing the smallness of Harold and the height of the tree containing the crow's nest. When the little bear finally loses his temper, he suddenly fills the whole page, his face red, with his shouted words in enormous font filling the facing page. The text is spare, with not a word wasted, perfectly capturing a child's sensibility. VERDICT This selection works equally well as a group or one-on-one read-aloud, and would even be effective for newly independent readers. All libraries should make space on their shelves for Harold.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
VERN KOUSKY is the author-illustrator of THE BLUE SONGBIRD, called "lovely" by School Library Journal, and OTTO, THE OWL WHO LOVED POETRY, deemed "a witty homage to Leo Lionni's classic Frederick" by the New York Times. Visit him on the web at vernkousky.com or on Instagram at @vernkousky.

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