Overview / 简介: |
When the news reports are flooded with tales of hatred and fear, a girl asks her papa what she can do to make the world a better place. 揅ome with me,?he says. Hand-in-hand, they walk to the subway, tipping their hats to those they meet. The next day, the girl asks her mama what she can do梙er mama says, 揅ome with me,?and together they set out for the grocery, because one person doesn抰 represent an entire race or the people of a land. After dinner that night, the little girl asks if she can do something of her own梬alk the dog . . . and her parents let her go. 揅ome with me,?the girl tells the boy across the hall. Walking together, one step at a time, the girl and the boy begin to see that as small and insignificant as their part may seem, it matters to the world. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
K-Gr 2桽weet pastel illustrations are the highlight of this story that has potential but may be more confusing to children than confidence-building. A young girl is fearful due to the "anger and hatred梡eople against people" that she watches on the nightly news. After inquiring what "she could do to make the world a better place," Papa says, "Come with me." They take a ride on the subway, tip their hats to people they encounter, and make their way to their destination. The text states "The girl and her papa were brave and kind, and that day won a tiny battle over fear for themselves and for the people of the world." That sort of impassioned language to describe seemingly ordinary actions will require more explanation than the book provides. Still wanting to make a difference, the girl asks to walk their dog. Her parents appear concerned about letting their daughter go, but she and a neighbor boy venture out and "their part mattered to the world." Though the parents seem anxious about their child's safety, they allow her to watch disturbing incidents on TV with no supervision or discussion. VERDICT Teaching children that they can make a difference by being "brave, gentle, strong ?and kind" in their daily lives is a powerful message. This title could be used with others to spark those important discussions with children and adults. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Wow...a powerful testament to being brave and helping each other. The world has been a topsy turvy place lately. I don't recognize my country at times. I feel I have traveled back in time and I don't like what I see. But then I read a book like this, and I know there is goodness in the world. There are people just like me, who refuse to live afraid or to allow hate to win. Come with me...we can make this world better together. Beautiful message, lovely book. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Holly M. McGhee is the author of the middle-grade novel, Matylda, Bright & Tender. She has also written picture books and a chapter-book series under the pen name Hallie Durand, including Mitchell's License and Mitchell Goes Bowling. A literary agent too, she lives with her family in Maplewood, New Jersey. You can visit her at hollymcghee.com.
Pascal Lema顃re is the illustrator of several books for children, including Do Not Open This Book! and the New York Times bestseller Who's Got Game? His wife is the dancer-choreographer Emmanu鑜e Phuon and their daughter, Ma雔le, walks their dog, Doodle . . . sometimes. You can visit him at pascallemaitre.com. |
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