畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Adelaide's Secret World
Author:   Elise Hurst
Category: Fiction - Growth 

ISBN: 9781524714550  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 20.99
押 金: ¥126
逾期借阅费: ¥21/月


Overview / 简介:

Adelaide lives in a city filled with people and wonders, but she is lonely. She is a watcher, and she sees others like her: the quiet ones, those who dance and dream alone.

In a chance encounter, Adelaide meets someone who just might be a kindred spirit--and is so startled and shy she runs away! But then she gathers her courage and uses all her ingenuity to make sure that they--and all the other lonely ones--meet and connect and share their dreams.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
"Masterful... These portraits of animals struggling with human feelings startle with their emotional exactitude, empathy, and expert execution. Complex feelings articulated through heart-rending paintings that beg return visits."

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Absolutely precious book. I came across this book in the library and knew that I had to order it and send to my twin cousins in California, along with other children's books. I am especially fond of rabbits - all creatures in fact. And this sweet story really speaks to the human spirit. And how we can both find and give love and compassion to others. I highly recommend this as a gift for children or even for an adult. The illustrations are exquisite and the story is sublime.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
ELISE HURST is an illustrator and author of children's books, as well as a traditional artist. She has illustrated over fifty books over the years, including Imagine a City, and The Night Garden, which received a Children's Book Council of Australia shortlisting. She lives in Melbourne with her husband, Peter, and their twin boys. You can read more about her work at elisehurst.com or follow her on twitter at @EliseHurstArtistillustrator.

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