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Daddies Do
Author:   Lezlie Evans / Elisa Ferro
Category: Fiction - Family  Parent  Bedtime 

ISBN: 9781454921714  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 28 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.95
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
Who wrestles with you for fun—but then surrenders and says you’ve won? Who takes you on outings and just doesn’t care what outfit you’re wearing or if you’ve got messy hair? Guess who? DADDIES DO! Meet a delightful group of animal daddies, including a bird who teaches his baby to fly and a polar bear who gives his cub the best hugs. This perfect Father’s Day story ends with every dad tucking his child in with a sweet good night.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
“A list of the loving activities and small things that daddies do best with their children. With a digital representation of gouache, colored pencil, and ink, the cartoon images of animal families fill each spread. In the course of their daily activities, the anthropomorphized dads make their children feel good as they build self-esteem with encouragement, provide opportunities for independence, or simply give the support of their presence while their little ones explore their world. Mouse dads help their small sons feel big, bird dads ‘offer courage’ to fly, panda dads lift their children to the highest branch of the tree, anteaters enjoy a sweet snack (ants included), penguins build forts and glide down an icy slide, bears fish (although these ones use poles) in a stream, birds ‘swoop’ and their ‘blues fly away,’ and—in a nod to children’s literature—monkeys jump on the beds. Ending with bedtime stories and lots of loving ‘bear’ hugs, this book is a comforting choice for young readers in school or home libraries. VERDICT With a catchy rhyme and a repeated refrain, this title is a solid choice for Father’s Day or anytime sharing.”

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Lezlie Evans is the award-winning author of numerous picture books, including Can You Count Ten Toes? (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) and Finding Christmas (Albert Whitman). Scholastic Book Clubs/Fairs has picked up several of her titles, including Rain Song and Snow Dance (both Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), and The Bunnies’ Picnic (Disney/Hyperion). Lezlie is an avid speaker and proponent for early childhood literacy, and a member of the Children’s Book Guild of Washington, DC. The inspiration for Daddies Do came from watching her six children wrestle, read, and eat pancakes (minus the ants) with their daddy. Visit her at Lezlieevans.com. She lives in Brambleton, VA. Elisa Ferro is an Italian children's illustrator based in Padua, where she lives with her lovely husband and two funny cats. She studied at the University of Architecture and Visual Art in Venice, and at the International School of Illustration in Sarmede. Elisa's playful illustrations are full of charming details and sweet character expressions. She creates her artwork primarily in gouache, colored pencil, and ink before tweaking digitally in Photoshop.​ This will be her debut picture book in the US.

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