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Willy the Dreamer  有 mp3
Author:   Anthony Browne
Category: Fiction - Award  AwardWinner  Careers 

ISBN: 9781406313574  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 14.71
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥15/月


Overview / 简介:
This is a stunning Willy book with spectacular, surreal paintings - by one of the most acclaimed of all picture book artists. Willy loves to dream. He dreams that he's a film star, a sumo wrestler, a ballet dancer, a painter, an explorer, a famous writer, a scuba diver...Sometimes he dreams that he can't run but he can fly. He dreams he's a giant or he's tiny, a beggar or a king, in a strange landscape or all at sea. He dreams of fierce monsters and super heroes, of the past and, sometimes, the future. Willy's dreamland is a gallery of amazing and magical pictures, each one magnificently executed and packed with bananas and slyly surreal details that cannot fail to intrigue and delight. The pictures pay homage to famous paintings by the likes of Dali, Magritte and Henri Rousseau, as well as film and book characters and much more.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Don't be fooled by the reading label of this book, 4-8; the real reading label, or shall we say the enjoying label is 4 to 100 because this book is an homenage to culture on the 20th century. Willy is a little monkey (Anthony Browne's alter ego?), with all the vulnerabilities of a sensible child(you must read the four previous Willy's books), but in Willy the dreamer he doesn't have to face the problems that a sensible child must face in his every day's life, in Willy the dreamer our heroe just falls asleep in his confortable chair to be the king of rock and roll; a character of a favorite movie; or of a favorite fairy tale; a sumo wrestler; or just a father. If you're an art lover you will love the homenage to great artists of the century: Magritte, Dalí, De Chirico. Don't worry if you're not an art conossieur because this book has so many readings, so many hidden messages, so many bananas, so many dreams that it can fit any child and grownup imagination. If you want to encourage your child to be a dreamer, you must give him this book. If you're a dreamer yourself, this surely will be the book for you.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
In his fifth book about Willy the chimp, Browne gives a smart, playful nod to Magritte, Rousseau, Dali and other artists whose paintings were often more the stuff of dreams than of real life. Browne's whimsical borrowings and witty visual puns stretch this volume's appeal far beyond the typical picture-book audience. And though Willy's youngest fans may not get the full picture, they'll likely take a naif's pleasure in the dream-like quirks and incongruities packed into each watercolor. Dozing in an armchair, the chimp envisions himself a movie star in guises that include Mary Poppins, Dracula and Charlie Chaplin; a singer who's a ringer for Elvis; a ballet dancer in a lacy tutu and toe shoes fashioned from bananas; a famous writer surrounded by simian versions of Sir John Tenniel's Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter and other residents of Wonderland. And from the moment they view Browne's fetching cover illustration, kids will keep their eyes peeled for the inventively placed bananas in Willy's dream scenes. A parody of the famous picture inscribed "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" doubles in irreverence when a curved banana half fills in for the pipe; a Cowardly Lion's tail ends in a flourish of banana. Whether readers are wholly untutored or art history experts, the closer they look, the more jokes they will find. Fresh, funny and full of surprises. Ages 4-up.

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