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Sterling Biographies: Geronimo: Apache Renegade
Author:   Sullivan, George
Series: Sterling Biographies 
Category: Nonfiction - History 

ISBN: 9781402762796  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 128 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 5.95
押 金: ¥60
逾期借阅费: ¥9/月


Series / 所属系列:
Sterling Biographies

Overview / 简介:

“No gun can ever kill you.” Those are the magical words Geronimo heard whispered in the air, and that he believed true. Although his name is often linked with violence and even savagery, Geronimo's early life was actually peaceful. What transformed him into one of the most renowned warriors in the Apache nation, a man whom the U.S. government wished captured or killed at any cost? This gripping biography captures the often-tragic experiences that defined the life of this fearless leader.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Gr 5-8–These volumes are beautifully arranged with thick glossy pages, clear type, period photographs, enchanting portraits, lithographs, woodcuts, color maps, and a few relevant modern photographs of existing natural wonders. Each biography weaves the life and struggle of the featured Native American leader with the white man's “manifest destiny” to settle the New World and includes an evolutionary explanation of the term “American Indian.” The accounts are rich with exhaustive details, especially of skirmishes, treaties, and battles. The heroes' stories are accented with other players' mini biographies and side stories on topics such as militia and modern reservation casinos. A few enduring expressions and quotes are explained, such as “counting coup,” “GERONIMO!” and “A good Indian is a dead Indian.” The point of view alternates between the subject and his various allies and adversaries. Conflicting historical accounts are analyzed responsibly. These biographies, particularly Tecumseh, could lead to research on politics, diplomacy, human rights, peace, or conflict resolution.

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