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Poetry for Young People: Robert Frost
Author:   Gary D. Schmidt (Editor), Henri Sorensen
Category: Nonfiction - Language  Nature 

ISBN: 9781402754753  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 48 页
Age / Level: 9-12, / Level-6
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.95
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
This collation of 25 poems introduce Robert Frost to young people. The selections are arranged by the seasons and Sorensen's handsome watercolour illustrations capture the feel of the New England landscape without in any way trying to provide literal images for the poetry. There's an excellent biographical essay and, at the bottom of each page, Schmidt provides a brief note on some of the possible ways to read the lines...These nature poems show that poetry holds feelings and ideas that everyone can understand.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 3 Up?Frost satisfies in every way; Dickinson does not. Bolin's four-page introduction describes and explains Emily Dickinson's odd life style and creative productivity. This is followed by 36 poems loosely arranged by the topics of hope, death, and poetry. This organization, however, is not readily apparent; nor is the reasoning behind defining some words (gale, bog, shanties, etc.) and not others (dimity, helmsman, countenance). An index of first lines and little else will help readers searching for poems by subject. The prettily colored watercolors are flat and stylized, and seem better suited to nursery rhymes than Dickinson's insightful and witty glimpses of an entire universe in a blade of grass or of "paradise" gathered by "narrow hands." Frost contains a three-page overview of the poet's life, 29 poems selected and arranged around the seasons of the year, brief and apt commentaries on each, and a useful index of titles and subject matter. The realistic watercolor illustrations capture the delicate beauty of a New England spring and the glory of fall while still suggesting the around-the-corner chill of winter, a disquiet echoing throughout much of Frost's poetry.?Meg Stackpole, Rye Free Reading Room, NY

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I love Robert Frost's poetry and was looking for a good way to introduce his wonderful words to young children. I have found that way through this beautiful book. I am an assistant principal and can't wait to share this book with my teachers and students. As I read this book, I felt like I was in New England during all four seasons. A must buy for poetry lovers and Robert Frost fans.

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