畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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My Dad!  有内页照片
Author:   Fuge, Charles
Category: Fiction - Animals 

ISBN: 9781402707070  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 24 页
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
Charles Fuge, the acclaimed artist of I Know a Rhino, Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball, and It’s a Monster Party, is back with another winner that’s sure to become a favorite with kids—and their parents. Not only does it have the cutest illustrations ever, but the story is one dear to children’s hearts: the importance of a loving, protective father. A cuddly little bear has a tale to tell about his dad, “the roughest, toughest, biggest, strongest dad in the whole jungle.” The real fun is in the illustrations of cute cubs marching behind and listening— and running off one by one in fear as they hear that Daddy has teeth sharper than an alligator, more claws than an eagle, and can roar as loud as a lion. But when the little bear finds himself alone and gets scared, it’s Papa who comes to save the day. The final illustration —with Daddy carrying his smiling cub, will warm any heart.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-K-A little bear wants to impress his friends, so he brags about his dad's strength, sharp teeth, and many claws. With each boast he scares away one playmate and moves deeper into the jungle. At last he finds himself all alone with jungle noises and the approaching shadow of a big, scary beast. The beast turns out to be big, cuddly Daddy coming to find his little cub. The pictures are the strong suit of this book. Fuge's bright, stylized illustrations in yellows, greens, browns, and lots of white are expressive and appealing. While children will enjoy the anticlimactic thrill of this simple story, Jez Alborough does a better job and offers more suspense and humor in Watch Out! Big Bro's Coming(Candlewick, 1998). Nevertheless, this warm, fuzzy father-son book is a fine addition to larger collections.-Be Astengo, Alachua County Library, Gainesville, FL

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I bought this book as a gift to my husband from his one year old b/g twins for Father's Day. Here it is the beginning of November, and it's still the twins most favorite book. True, the story line is simple (great for those VERY young readers like mine), but the pictures are wonderful (colorful & lots of detail), and the pages have a little weight to them so they don't rip as easily as some other books where the pages are super thin! It perhaps is a little too simple of a story line for older readers, but if you're looking for a special book for Dad to read to younger readers, then you've found the perfect book.

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