Overview / 简介: |
用温馨的只字片语触及你内心真实的童年情感。 Shines with a feel-good, spare text that goes right to the heart of childhood emotions. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-K-Almost everyone loves to dig for treasure, and when Mole gets his new shovel, he starts immediately. He finds a twig, a shell, and an acorn, and it turns out that these things are indeed treasures for Bird, Snail, and Squirrel. But the best one from Mole's point of view appears when he meets up with the tunnel of another mole and makes a new friend. Told with minimal text, this book celebrates friendship while quietly calling attention to the fact that treasure is relative. The simple, rounded cartoon illustrations painted in ice-cream colors with thick, black outlines give the story a very sugary but gentle feel. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This book is destined to be a classic with inviting rhythm, magnetic repetition, and a giving spirit. Determined to find a treasure, Mole unearths objects and graciously offers each to a nearby friend who is in need. Happy to continue digging for something he may or may not keep himself, Mole discovers a companion with whom he has much in common. Themes of friendship and generosity abound with subtle reminders of what our world might be like if we shared our resources with one another. Whimsical illustrations delicately complement the sweet, simple structures of language throughout the story that Jane and Will Hillenbrand have kindly offered as a treasure to their readers. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Will Hillenbrand has illustrated many beloved picture books, including "Kiss the Cow by Phyllis Root"; "Smash! Mash! Crash! There Goes the Trash!" by Barbara Odanka; and "What a Treasure!" by Jane Hillenbrand. He also wrote and illustrated another Christmas story, "Asleep in the Stable". Will enjoys visiting classrooms to talk about the creative process involved in making a picture book. H
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