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Fourth Grade Weirdo
Author:   Freeman, Martha
Category: Fiction - Social  Experience  School 

ISBN: 9780823414604  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 148 页
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 19.26
押 金: ¥114
逾期借阅费: ¥19/月


Overview / 简介:
Grade 3-5-Dexter thinks he's the weirdest kid in Mr. Ditzwinkle's fourth-grade class. He'd rather complete math worksheets than draw a self-portrait, and he's sure that Mr. Ditz doesn't like him. To complicate matters, Dexter's mother is running for reelection to the school board against Eric Gale's pushy mother, who wages war against absentminded Mr. Ditz after he misplaces the Parents' Club money and school candy is missing. When his students stage a televised rally in his support, Eric shows up with a campaign sign for his mother, and a mud fight ensues. The coverage makes national news and the class is barred from the upcoming Halloween Carnival. However, Dexter and two friends disguise themselves, go to the carnival, and, with their teacher's unwitting help, catch the thief. The hero learns that, "Even if everybody thinks you're weird, you've gotta pay attention to the handsome guy inside." The large type, short chapters, and first-person narrative make this a fast read. The quirky characters who work to right the problems of friends and family will appeal to young readers.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
This somewhat canned classroom comedy mines the timeworn topic of self-acceptance. More sympathetic than the protagonist of Freeman's recent The Polyester Grandpa, fourth-grader Dexter Plum fears he's an oddball because he carries a "dweebacious" briefcase, eats only black jelly beans and creates a square self-portrait that inspires his classmates to dub him "blockhead." He intends to eat his favorite after-school snack every day through college, law school and beyond: "I like to plan things like that out. Life is crazy enough. Who wants surprises?" Unfortunately, the fresher moments go unexplored and even seem out of place, such as Dexter's anger at his mom's negligence due to her school board campaign, and his ultra-disciplined father's admission that he was once so physically weak that his peers considered him weird, too. Instead, the action centers on Dexter's ambivalence toward his spontaneous, disorganized teacher, Mr. Ditzwinkle (whose refrain is "Let's get down with some education"), as well as the mildly suspenseful mystery of disappearing Parents Club dues and sweets from school classrooms and offices. A subplot concerning the rivalry between Dexter and classmate Eric--"problem child of the universe"--whose moms are competing for the school board position, provides some tension, but most of the entertainment stems from Dexter's ability to laugh at himself. Ages 8-12. (Dec.)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
In the book,"Fourth Grade Weirdo" by Martha Freeman, a kid named Dexter doesn't really fit in with the other kids at school. So, the other kids start calling him a weirdo! He tries to look like, talk like, and act like them too. Dexter tries to change but the other kids still think he is a weirdo! What can he do? The book really seems to fit us, because it is about a fourth grade student.The boy, Dexter, has lots of similar problems that we do. It makes the reader think about how you would feel if you were Dexter. I would recommend this book for third through fifth graders. It has lots of funny parts and some sad parts as well. This book keeps you interested from cover to cover. You could read it over and over and over!

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