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The Snow Angel (Forever Angels)  有书评
Author:   Weyn, Suzanne
Series: Forever Angels 
Category: Fiction - Fables  Tales 

ISBN: 9780816741199  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 208 页
Age / Level: 9-12, / Level-6
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 3.95
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Forever Angels

Overview / 简介:
molly, Katie, Ashley, and Christina have made a snow angel in the woods. The angel is so beautiful that people are coming from miles around to see it. But Molly doesn't seem to notice. Her boyfriend has broken up with her, and Molly is furious because he has taken a fancy to Christina. Then a strange boy comes to live with Molly's family. Liam hasn't spoken since his tragic riding accident. Can an angel break through Liam's silence and allow him to see how special he is?.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Were you ever so excited to see your dad after he'd been away awhile? And then, there was a boy your own age with your dad, and that boy wouldn't talk to you or to anybody else. You wanted to find out why this boy wouldn't talk, and if anything happened to him. If this has or hasn't happened to you, you will still most likely, like this book. This is a story about how Molly Morgan wanted to help a boy named Liam, from Ireland. Molly was 13 years old, and had blonde hair. She loved angels. She actually saw three of them and they talked to her and her friends. Molly lived near to a horse ranch. It was the middle of winter when her father came home with this boy Liam. Molly sensed that something had happened to Liam because he remained so silent. She knew that something had happened when he first arrived because of how he acted. I really liked the book The Snow Angel by Suzanne Weyn. It is about angels which I think are a symbol of love and safety. I liked the book because it shows people caring for other people and helping people. It also explains life-like situations, for example Molly's boyfriend broke up with her. After that Molly got really mad and then she and her friends went to the bridge to pray. Molly and her friends saw the angels, who told them to close their eyes and to go ahead and pray. So they closed their eyes and prayed. Molly prayed about how her boyfriend broke up with her and how she wanted to help Liam, another friend to overcome what had happened to him. When they opened their eyes again they noticed that the angels were gone. There was one part of the book that I didn't like and that was when one of Molly's friends put a toy car in the angel's head and she would control the eyes and everybody thought that when the eye blinked someone was doing something good. I thought this was very dishonest of Molly's friend. Other than that I thought the book was a very good novel. It is part of a series called Forever Angels and I would like to read the rest of the books because they are all about angels. Since this book was a great book, I know the rest will be very good too. I think anybody who likes angels will love this story, and they will most likely like the rest of the books in the series.

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