畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Muktar And The Camels
Author:   Graber, Janet / Scott Mack
Category: Fiction - Animals  Fables  People 

ISBN: 9780805078343  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2–3—Muktar, a Somali orphan in Kenya, misses the nomadic life of his people. His friend Ismail is determined to learn the "new ways" at their orphanage school, but Muktar daydreams of camels and the important place they have in his culture. When a trio of camels visits his school bearing a traveling library, Muktar cares for them so well that he is offered a job doing just that. While many books offer a view of third-world cultures, they often mirror our own values and concerns: Katie Smith Milway's One Hen (Kids Can, 2008) tells the story of nascent capitalism in Ghana; Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen's commendable "Elizabeti" titles (Lee & Low) enlighten readers about Tanzanian family life. Graber's story offers an anthropologist's appreciation for Somali nomadic culture without westernizing Muktar. He is not a bookworm or entrepreneur—he is a displaced child who is made drowsy by the "tangy smell of fresh excrement." Muktar longs to live the life that is in his blood, and Graber tells his story well, though the simple maps and the brief historical context come at the end of the book or on the endpapers. Readers may be concerned when the teacher calls Muktar "lazy" and will have to dig deep to appreciate a dream about dung collection, but the effort will be worthwhile. Mack's oil-on-canvas paintings evoke the sun and dust of Kenya, giving readers an impression of the landscape.—Lisa Egly Lehmuller, St. Patrick's Catholic School, Charlotte, NC

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Orphaned and alone in the refugee camp, the Somalian child, Muktar, remembers when his nomadic family once counted their wealth in camels. Trained to care for them, he remembers his father's words, "Camels first, Always camels first. Camels are treasure." His only memento from his father is a gnarled root that he keeps in the pocket of his shorts. His father warned him to use it wisely. There are no camels in the camp until a librarian arrives, leading three camels laden with books for the camp. The thrilled boy discovers that the third camel has a wounded foot. After unloading and watering the camels, Muktar chews his root into a paste, applies it to the injured camel's foot, and tears up his shirt to bind the wound. He is rewarded by being hired to travel with and care for the camels. The softly-outlined, beige- toned illustrations capture the essence of a refugee camp with its harsh light and dust. The protagonist's memories, however, are painted in cool grey tones. The famously ornery camels are depicted quite benignly.

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