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When I Was Built
Author:   Thermes, Jennifer / Jennifer Thermes
Category: Fiction - History 

ISBN: 9780805065329  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.95
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
One humble house tells its own intriguing history.

Today, big houses surround me, up
and down my street. When I was
built, the Fairchilds were the only
people around for miles and miles.

Standing strong and proud, a trusty old farmhouse reflects on its beginnings, remembering the Fairchild family who built it more than two hundred years ago and comparing what life was like then to the bustling world of the Gray family, its present dwellers.

With rich historical detail and warm affirmation of both past and present, When I Was Built celebrates continuity and change, as it conveys the welcoming spirit that makes a house a much-loved home.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
It's not just the walls that talk in Thermes's first children's book it's the entire house. "I watch the world pass by," muses the narrator, an 18th-century dwelling that has survived to the present day, "and sometimes think about the way things were when I was first built." A series of comparisons follow in which the house points out the advantages of sanitation and central heating, while also waxing poetic about the simplicity and the quiet of bygone days. In one scene of the house's present-day owners, a harried and caffeine-fueled mother deals with a fax machine, portable phone, computer and answering machine while her children dance to a portable CD player; on the opposing page, a considerably calmer gentleman writes with a quill. On another spread, the text notes that nowadays electricity "light[s] up the night with noise and chatter," in direct contrast to the original owners, 300 years ago, gathered cozily around the hearth, "talking or reading or telling stories, their faces aglow in the flickering candles." Thermes's crisp ink line and austere draftsmanship lend her pictures an elegant airiness. An attractive palette of homey colors green, brick, gold imbues them with a sense of both history and domesticity. Ages 4-7.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
"When I Was Built" is an incredibe story that weaves historical information and children's perspectives into an enriched picture/text children's book. The reader takes a journey into the past lives of people who lived in this old New England home. For anyone who grew up in an older home on the East Coast, this book will bring a smile to their face. The house has character and a history. As the world developed around the house, so did the families and the children who grew up there. This story is a powerful way to view a house, its history, and the generations of children who once called this house their home.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Jennifer Thermes and her family live in a one-and-a-half-story home built around 1720, once owned by the poet Louis Untermeyer. A freelance illustrator and designer, Jennifer lives in Newtown, Connecticut. This is her first children's book.

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