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Mouse Tail Moon
Author:   Ryder, Joanne / Maggie Kneen
Category: Fiction - Animals  Language 

ISBN: 9780805064049  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.95
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
Take a playful journey through a mouse’s nighttime world

"There’s a sliver of moon
like a tail in the sky
with just enough moonlight
to make my way by. "

The mouse’s night is magical, full of gentle rustlings and protective shadows. A leaf gives temporary shelter from the rain, and the open air calls out for leaping and twirling. It’s a wary time—there are hungry owls about—but with a mouse’s quick eyes on the watch, it’s also a time full of secrets ripe for exploring.

In lively poems and luminous illustrations, Joanne Ryder and Maggie Kneen capture a second side of the day, after the sun goes down and the mice get up. Nighttime, dream time, play time—this is the time of the mouse tail moon.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 2-Ryder has used a white-footed mouse's "day"-really sundown to sunup, as these animals are nocturnal-as the framework for this slight collection. From the setting "Sunberry" as it "-slips,/dipping down,/spilling/RED RED RED-/Oh, my!/at the bottom/of the sky" and the rising moon of the title; from praise of darkness to flight from an owl to mourning a brother's demise at the jaws of a fox, the author's vision of the mouse-"a poet wrapped in silky fur"-is anthropomorphic. The language can be pedestrian, and awkward meters sometimes stop a poem cold: "It's hard/to know why/I twirl/like a toy,/but I know/that we mice/just dance/for the joy-/of being/mice." Winsome watercolor illustrations may well win some young readers. Dona Ratterree, New York City Public Schools

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I am a person you loves stories about the night. I love the moons and stars myself. I feel that this is a great book. The story in the book is about the life of a mouse and the story is told in poem style. There are several different poems each one telling about a different aspect of a mouse's life. It is very descriptive and the illustrations are wonderful. Although there are not very many words to the story the point still comes across very nicely. The repetition and speed of the poems are great. I feel that the pictures on the pages make it easier for younger children understand better and help create a real-life sense of being there. I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in either the moon and stars, mice, or poems. I would also recommend this book for a nightime story for children 2 and over.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Joanne Ryder is the author of A Fawn in the Grass and Earthdance. She is a recipient of the American Nature Study Society’s Award for Children’s Science Literature. Ms. Ryder lives with her husband, Laurence Yep, in Pacific Grove, California. Maggie Kneen has illustrated a number of books for young readers, including Thimbleberry Stories, by Cynthia Rylant. She lives in Cheshire, England, with her two cats, who sit on the windowsill and keep her company while she paints.

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