畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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213 Valentines
Author:   Cohen, Barbara / Wil Clay
Category: Fiction - Humorous  Valentine  Mysteries 

ISBN: 9780805026276  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 56 页
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 软皮本,First Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 8.95
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥14/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 2-4-- Math wiz Wade Thompson, an inner-city black boy, is selected for the district's gifted and talented fourth-grade class held in a wealthier, mostly white neighborhood. Only one other student, Darlene (Dink) Worth, from his old school is accepted into the program. Wade and Dink are social outcasts among the "stuck-up snobs" of their new school, and indeed the teasing and tactless comments they endure from a few of their classmates hint at both racism and socioeconomic elitism. Why the teacher allows this to continue from September to February or why the rest of the class takes so long to respond is unclear. Wade finds himself spending a lot of time with Dink, whom he first describes as a "lady nerd," but later comes to accept as a good friend. In the end, the two are accepted into the group. The plot and focus of this slight novel are weak, and the characters are lacking in depth. Cohen does not deal with the theme of racism or the emotional and social problems of academically gifted students in any substantial way. --Eunice Weech, M. L. King Elementary School, Urbana

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Wade is NOT excited about going to a fancy school out of the neighborhood for a gifted program. But his family insists that he go, so each morning he and a girl from his school are taken across town to attend the gifted program. They are not given a royal welcome, but they are also both a bit reluctant to reach out. The realities of such a situation are clearly described. Thankfully, there is little attempt to preach a solution. Wade's uncle does mention prejudice against blacks and people from their neighborhood, but he doesn't leave out other factors. Wade does manage to reconcile himself to the circumstances and even to begin to feel more comfortable. Although he does get some support from his family, he and Dink do most of the work themselves. Good enough and real enough to hold kids' attention, but there is also enough food for thought, too.

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