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Night Animals  有书评
Author:   Meredith, Susan / Patrizia Donaera
Series: Usborne Beginners 
Category: Nonfiction - Nature  Science 

ISBN: 9780794516567  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
押 金: ¥50
逾期借阅费: ¥8/月


Series / 所属系列:
Usborne Beginners :  Usborne 出版的初级绘本,照片的质量无与伦比,简单的语言配合照片揭示了神奇的自然界、动物、植物背后的隐秘,深深满足了孩子们的好奇心和探索欲。Usborne 是英国著名的图书出版社,其出版的 Phonics Reader 更是初学 Phonics 的极好精读教材,连同这套绘本被美国大规模引进。

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I cannot tell you how much I love the Usborne Beginners series. I am an elementary school teacher and I am always on the prowl for books that excite my children to read. These books have wonderful color photos with simple explanations. The words are chosen very carefully to enable even the struggling reader a chance to enjoy the information. Each two pages revolve around one main idea and its details. The content is engaging and prompts my students to think and ask questions. Boys especially respond to expository text versus narrative books. I would (and do already) recommend the entire series to everyone.

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linda: 关于夜行动物有意思的事 2017/8/10 16:05:00
夜晚的盛宴,有意思的是豹子要把捕获的猎物拖上树吃:the leopard drags it up into a tree to eat it.可怜的考拉也受大鸟欺负:big birds can attack koalas. Koalas munch leaves at nitht, while the birds are asleep.婴猴很会动耳朵哦;A bushbaby moves its ears to tell where sounds come from.有意思的第9页,白天这些夜行动物的眼睛又怎样呢:青蛙的眯成一条缝,老虎的收缩成一个小黑点,而壁虎成四个小孔的竖缝。还是和乐同学一块看才明白。Aardvarks土豚,也吃蚂蚁,那粘性的长舌头真像食蚁兽,是一种动物吗? fennec fox耳廓狐;owl猫头鹰能270度转头;白天的河马把自己弄一身泥,因为需要降温+防嗮+防蚊虫;15页的kangaroo rats要把颊囊中的种子吐出来第二天吃;sloths树獭tǎ动得很少,以至头上长草;black dragonfish自带灯笼,吸引小虾自投罗网;不知kangaroo袋鼠也属夜行动物,即使会在白天沐浴日光。兔子也只有在日出或日落时分出来活动rabbits come out just as it is getting dark or getting light.
4 顶.  
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