Overview / 简介: |
On the third day of Christmas, a mademoiselle from Paris sent her true love three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.The hens never arrived . . . . Colette, Poulette, and Fifi end up delivered not to Philippe Renard, but to Phil Fox from the Bronx. Phil can't believe his luck-he hasn't had a square meal in weeks, and here's a free lunch right on his doorstep! But his plans to dine on the delectable fowl are foiled as the French hens work their Christmas magic on him, proving that the spirit of the holidays can bring the most unlikely folks together. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreS-Gr. 2. The three French hens from the familiar Christmas song are sent by a Parisian lady to her boyfriend, Philippe Renard, in New York. Alas, the hens wind up in lost mail, and when they can't find Philippe in the phone book, they think perhaps they should translate his name: Phil Fox. They find Phil Fox, but he's a downtrodden fox living in the Bronx, though he's not so low that he can't envision Colette, Poulette, and Fifi as meals. But while he plans the hens as breakfast, lunch, and dinner, they act like makeover mavens from the Style Channel, giving him massages and manicures, redecorating the apartment, and fixing gourmet canapes. No, he can't eat the birds, and insists they must spend Christmas together; they demure, informing Phil that their holiday is Hanukkah. The 12 days of Christmas and the 8 nights of Hanukkah get an interfaith, interspecies celebration in a story that is so much fun, it's hard to imagine an artist milking more laughs from it than Egielski. Phil Fox's transformation from loser to a sophisticate who seems born to wear a smoking jacket is cleverly juxtaposed by the details in the room's decor--the ceiling-to-floor pipe, now painted salmon, blends beautifully into the walls. Something really fresh for the holiday season. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Three French hens -- Poulette, Colette, and Fifi -- get lost in the mail in New York City. They were supposed to be part of a holiday delivery to Monsieur Philippe Renard, and they can't find him in the phone book. But of course! They must translate! And so they end up on the Bronx doorstep of Phil Fox. Phil is a real fox whose only friend is the cockroach he shares a home with. Suddenly his home is bustling with hens, and his mouth begins to water in anticipation of a scrumptious holiday meal.
I'd better stop there, so you'll have a reason to read this book. What fun! It'll be great holiday fare for beginning readers and their parents. It should also appeal to most adults on many levels: the meaning of friendship, the spirit of the holidays, the amusement a child's picture book can bring. A worthy companion to the Grinch. |
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