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Badly Drawn Dog
Author:   Dodson, Emma / Emma Dodson
Category: Fiction - Humorous 

ISBN: 9780764158148  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 14.95
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥15/月


Overview / 简介:
Is Badly Drawn Dog really as funny-looking as the pooch pictured in this amusing book for younger boys and girls? One thing’s for sure: Badly Drawn Dog is tired of being badly drawn. He’s scribbly and scrawly and sketchy around the eyes. His wish is to become a nicely drawn dog. With that notion in mind, he visits a new artist and asks to be drawn differently. Soon Badly Drawn Dog looks like something out of an abstract cubist painting. He runs out to play, but his drastic change in appearance soon gives him problems. Back he goes to the artist for another style change, but still he isn’t satisfied. Maybe a change in his appearance isn’t the answer to his dreams, after all. Maybe he should go back to the artist who drew him badly in the first place. Humorous color illustrations on every page.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
"Badly Drawn Dog decides he needs a new look and ends up in an amusing makeover nightmare. Tired of his 'scribbly, scrawly, and sketchy' appearance, Badly Drawn Dog yearns to be 'drawn properly.' He explains his predicament to the local artist who erases Badly Drawn Dog and reincarnates him as a Cubist canine. But Badly Drawn Dog's sharp feet and misaligned eyes cause problems so he returns to the artist for a different look. This time the artist casts Badly Drawn Dog as a mass of 'blobs and swirls,' and even his pal Doodle the Poodle doesn't recognize him. So Badly Drawn Dog asks the artist for a more popular look and winds up resembling every dog he meets. In the end, Badly Drawn Dog realizes he was much better off being his own badly drawn self. Brilliant, childlike illustrations reinforce the 'art' theme and comically capture Badly Drawn Dog's extreme makeovers. Witty and winsome." —Kirkus Reviews, May 15, 2005

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