畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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LAN's Plant  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Riggs, Sandy / Bob Mashris
Series: Reader's Clubhouse 
Category: Level Reading-1  Fiction - Phonics  Nature  Girls 

ISBN: 9780764132872  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 24 页
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Series / 所属系列:
Reader's Clubhouse :  Barron 公司出版的,专为图书馆、学校等机构的儿童阅读绘本,被广泛应用于课堂学习阅读、学习Phonics 的精读材料。这个系列是专门训练元音的,共分两级,其中的Level-1专用于训练短元音,Level-2则专门训练长元音。Phonics 的学习中,元音才是难点,这套书最适合作为辅助材料配合 Phonics 学习。

Overview / 简介:
This is volume six, Reading Level 1, in a comprehensive program (Levels 1 and 2)for beginning readers.Two nine-book sets teach reading to children from preschool to grades K and 1, emphasizing phonics while also presenting a lively and engaging collection of facts and stories to make kids’ reading experiences enjoyable. Each title emphasizes one phonics family, the first five books in each set focusing on one vowel sound, and the remaining four books combining some vowel sounds or reviewing them all. Short vowel families are covered in Level 1 readers and long vowel families in the Level 2 books. Fiction titles feature attractive illustrations and have story themes ranging from funny to serious. Each fiction title also suggests a brief activity that allows kids to interact with the book’s subject matter. Nonfiction titles are photo illustrated, and include “Fun Facts” to enrich children’s reading experiences. The nonfiction books contain the basic elements of a nonfiction book, including glossary and index. They also suggest web sites appropriate to kids’ interests where more information about each book’s subject is offered. Both fiction and nonfiction titles contain word lists that group each book’s words into “decodable” words—those containing the book’s main vowel sound, which the book is either teaching or reviewing. Word lists also include high-frequency words and challenging words included in the main text. All books present a letter to parents and teachers explaining the fundamental concepts underlying both the series and the specific title. Level 1 readers are designed for classroom or home schooling use in preschool and kindergarten, and Level 2 readers for kindergarten and grade 1. “Lan’s Plant” is a story that covers the “short a and e” sounds.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book helps your child focus on short A and short E vowel sounds. On the very last page there is a word list of Short-A and Short-E words and high frequency; we call them sight or power, words found in this story.

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清晨阳光: 配合phonics的图画书 2010/12/6 17:05:00
这是一本学习short a & short e的书,每页就1行文字,句子很短,故事情节简单。书的大概内容是:Lan 的班级有种植作业,她到花店买了种植的植物plant,把它放到桌子desk上晒太阳,随着植物慢慢长大,需要更换大些的盆子,需要沙子sand,要浇水water,后来她的植物越长越大,但是有一天生虫了,Lan给它捉虫,直到它开了一朵小花,当她拿到班级后,她的种植盆是1st。图画色彩很柔和,画面显得很干净,孩子很喜欢书中的小女孩。书后还介绍了植物的主要结构,介绍了一些含有short a & short e的常用单词,适合配合phonics学习使用。
1 顶.  
简单: 小小努力,大大收获 2011/1/12 21:43:00
小姑娘LAN很爱她的“plant”-仙人掌。把它放到阳光下,把它移栽到潮湿的沙土中,除掉“bad bug”,LAN如此精心的照料,使得小小仙人掌茁壮成长,并且开出一朵了可爱的红色小花,在班级的绿色植物展览上,获得了第一名的桂冠。只要努力去做,就有不凡的收获!
本书复习了short "a"和"e"的发音。文字简短易懂,适合phonics的阅读练习。
1 顶.  
我要学英语: 是一本适合练习的书 2011/2/10 16:36:00
故事情节很简单,对于较大的孩子来讲,可能故事情节不是很丰富,但是对于初学phonics的孩子来说,作为一本练习short a & short e的书真的很不错.
1 顶.  
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