畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Necks Out For Adventure
Author:   Ering, Timothy Basil / Timothy Basil Ering
Category: Fiction - Action  Bedtime  Tales 

ISBN: 9780763623555  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 48 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
What if a tiny wiggleskin dared to leave his shell and stick his neck out? A warm, whimsical tale from the illustrator of THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX.

For as long as anyone could remember, the wiggleskins have lived by a simple rule: Necks out to eat, and necks in to hide. But then comes the dreadful day when all the wiggleskins are ripped from their holes and taken away — all but a brave little wiggleskin named Edwin. To save his mom and the rest of the clan, Edwin must shuck his shell and adopt a new rule: Necks out for adventure! Timothy Basil Ering’s boisterous and warmhearted adventure will have you cheering for Edwin — and for plucky souls everywhere who dare stick their necks out.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Slipping out of his shell, a courageous little clam finds a whole new world to explore, and also gets to be a hero in this quirky outing from the author of The Story of Frog Belly Rat Bone (2003). "Necks out to eat and necks in to hide" has always been the practice of young Edwin's fellow clams, but when a clamdigger scoops up everyone else, he remembers wondering what it would be like to "flow with the current," and timorously sets out to search for them. That quest takes him up to dry land, and even, briefly, into the digger's pot - but he rescues his caged comrades at last by getting them to eject their shells too. In decided contrast to his tried and true theme, Ering wields the brush in manic freestyle to depict clams and their nemesis alike as shapeless, irregular blobs with (if you look closely enough) human features. Ralph Steadman fans, at least, will flock to this. (Picture book. 6-8) (Kirkus Reviews)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book is full of beautiful images of the ocean and of the shore, with a wonderful story. I love the different look of this book, and I love that the story is so different from what I normally see in the children's section of the bookstore. This book looks and feels like art instead of illustration. Because the main character is a clam, the book opened up an interesting dialogue with my kids about sea life and creatures that they were not very familiar with. The images also take a little deciphering for the young ones, which helps parents interact regarding the story and its interpretation. The villain, a human clam digger, can look anything like the Grinch to a T-Rex depending on the scene (according to my children). The book has a nice message about the importance of risk taking, and how taking chances can often have a profound effect on our lives. The other book by this author, "Frog Belly Rat Bone," is also a favorite in my house.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Timothy Basil Ering is the illustrator of Newbery Medal winner THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX by Kate DiCamillo and the author-illustrator of THE STORY OF FROG BELLY RAT BONE. He lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.

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