畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Child, Lauren
Series: Charlie and Lola 
Category: Fiction - Family  Sibling  Growth 

ISBN: 9780763621803  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Series / 所属系列:
Charlie and Lola

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Child (Clarice Bean, That's Me) here serves up a delectable variation on the picky-eater-themed tale. Charlie's parents give him the formidable task of feeding dinner to his fussy younger sister, Lola. The clever boy cajoles his sibling into eating foods that she insists "I do not eat." The girl lists such forbidden fruits as carrots, peas, potatoes, fish sticks andAthe most dreadedAtomatoes, all of which her brother is dishing up for the meal. "These are not carrots. These are orange twiglets from Jupiter," maintains Charlie when Lola turns up her nose. He devises similarly tempting pseudonyms for other edibles: peas are rare "green drops" from Greenland that fall from the sky; mashed potatoes are cloud fluff from "the pointiest peak of Mount Fuji." A playful arrangement of type in a variety of fonts and sizes combined with mixed-media art that overlays photos on fanciful, childlike drawings provide a feast for young readers' eyes and mimic the boy's upbeat attitude. Finally, Lola herself follows her brother's example and asks him to pass the "moonsquirters my favorite," otherwise known as guess what? Apt not to be satiated with one serving of this appetizing fare, youngsters will neverAnot everApass up a second helping. Ages 4-8. (Sept.)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Lola is a VERY picky eater. Carrots are for rabbits. Peas are too small and too green. She won't touch potatoes or mushrooms, spaghetti, eggs or sausage...the list goes on and on. And, she absolutely will never not ever eat a tomato. Her big sister Charlie has got to give her dinner and decides "to play a good trick on her." Carrots become orange twiglets from Jupiter and Lola is so intrigued that she just has to try one. Peas turn into green drops from Greenland, mashed potatoes, cloud fluff from Mt Fuji. And though Lola would never touch a fish stick, she's willing to eat an ocean nibble since mermaids eat them all the time. Pretty soon, dinner is over and Lola has eaten everything, even a nice round red moonsquirter. You know, they're her favorite. Lauren Child has written a funny, witty, imaginative story, told in hip kid-speak, all picky eaters will identify with. Her busy, expressive illustrations, full of color and textures, compliment the text and will really hold your youngster's attention. This is a terrific book the whole family can enjoy and it might even get your picky eater to try something new.

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tiger0118: 我绝对绝对不吃番茄(查理和萝拉系列) 2011/1/16 12:18:00
儿子非常喜欢的《查理和萝拉》系列,以前看过很多中文的,所以选书时,8岁的tiger 点名要借这本书,还说我自己就可以看,根本不用翻译。拿到这本时自然倍感亲切,感叹这本英文的书比中文的大多了,是所借书里最大的一本,然后迫不急待地读起来,难度很适合刚刚开始英文阅读的孩子呢。
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