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The Transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle
Author:   Elliott, David
Category: Fiction

ISBN: 9780763618803  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 128 页
Age / Level: 8-11, Level-5
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
Kafka for kids - a witty look at the perils of over-indulgence. Roscoe Wizzle used to be a normal ten-year-old kid - he went to a school, did his homework, ate burgers, and hung out with his best friend. But that was before Roscoe Wizzle started turning into a bug! Taking a hilarious look at what can happen when you get too much of a good thing, this brilliant novel creates the perfect blend of suspense and comedy.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Elliott's (The Cool Crazy Crickets) entertaining and energetic middle-grade novel stars fourth-grader Roscoe Wizzle (whose greatest fear is that "a comet will strike the earth when I am in the bathtub"). He leads a fairly ordinary life, despite his quirky parents (Waldo, a cymbal tester, and Wilma, who grew up in an orphanage) and their practice of serving him alternating dinners of mashed potatoes and tuna surprise ("When I was an orphan, I never got any kind of surprise at all," Wilma tells him). But after a Gussy's Restaurant franchise is built atop an empty lot which is rumored to be oddly polluted, strange things start happening. First, Roseville's children begin disappearing. Then, after months of nightly meals at Gussy's (his relieved parents find it a good alternative to cooking), Roscoe finds himself undergoing a Kafka-esque metamorphosis. Could it be his steady diet of Jungle Drums ("just about the biggest hamburgers in the world")? With the help of his brainy best friend, the vegetarian and junior anthropologist Kinshasa Rosa Parks Boomer, Roscoe solves the mystery and helps rescue his kidnapped schoolmates. Colorful plot twists and character names from Roscoe's teacher, Bernard W. Pinchbeck, to Judy Pongarongatong combine with sassy first-person narration and snappy dialogue to skew the proceedings a few thoroughly enjoyable degrees off normal. Ages 7-10.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The dialogue's zippy, it is a bit zany, a Kafka-like treat for readers age 7 and up. It's also tantamount to impossible not to like David Elliot's funny, upbeat farce. First off, you can't expect Roscoe to be an average youngster - his parents, Waldo and Wilma Wizzle, are unlikely nurturers. Dad, is a cymbal tester, and Mom is an orphan who graces their dining table with either mashed potatoes or tuna surprise. But the surprise isn't really in the tuna - it's in what happens to the town's youngsters when a Gussy's Restaurant franchise opens. What happens to Roscoe after ingesting countless "Jungle Drums," the world's largest hamburgers, is downright shocking. Not to worry though when Roscoe and his best buddy, a vegetarian and amateur anthropologist, put their minds to it, nothing stops them. David Krumholtz offers a zestful reading of this laugh provoking tale.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
David Elliott is a NY Times bestselling children's author. His many titles include: And Here's to You!, The Transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle, The Evangeline Mudd books, Finn Throws a Fit!, Jeremy Cabbage and the Living Museum, and most recently the picture book, In the Wild. Born in Ohio, David has worked as a singer, a cucumber washer, and a popsicle stick maker. Currently, he lives in New Hampshire with his wife and a three-footed dog. If you'd like to know more about David and his books, visit his blog/website at davidelliottbooks.com Show More Show Less

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