畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Zoo Animals
Author:   DK
Category: Fiction - Animals  Zoo 

ISBN: 9780756602710  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 16 页
Age / Level: 0-3
Type & Binding: 纸板书,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Overview / 简介:
Look together at the stunning photographs. What do the animals look like? Talk about their sizes, colors, patterns, textures, faces, and bodies.

Baby Genius is well known for introducing babies to classical music and other early-learning tools using CD and video formats. Now Baby Genius and DK have joined forces to present these dazzling board books, which combine Baby Genius's stimulating approach to learning and DK's beautiful photographs and appealing design.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Knopf's Eyewitness series is being flattered to a fare-thee-well these days. These four titles in the new Eye-Openers series, developed by Eyewitness creators Dorling Kindersley, possess similar characteristics--radiant color photography, abundant white space, striking graphics. Each spread contains a predominant photo of the creature (or truck), a color drawing of the subject in its environment, a short horizontal border showing it "in action" and from four to 10 lines of simple, descriptive text. A nice touch is the inclusion of small-sized drawings that highlight particular features--a cement mixer's trough and ladder, a sow's snout and tail. The text, however, seems to swing from overly specific to somewhat general, as if uncertain of the audience. "Every once in a while a snake will shed its outer layer of skin" is a bit vague; and, although one of the drawings is a close-up of scales, the text does not mention that those are, in fact, the creature's "skin." Still, these are enticing entries into a rapidly expanding field. Ages 2-5.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
DK Publishing has joined forces with Baby Genius to create entertaining books for babies. These books combine Baby Genius' philosophy with DK's amazing photographs and designs. Baby Genius is a leading producer/publisher of classical, instrumental and vocal CDs and videos for young children. In this book, children are introduced to the world of wild and exotic animals. Fun words and full-color photographs will delight babies and hold their interest. Zoo Animals is a sturdy 16-page book that can be enjoyed for years. The photography is so good you can almost imagine reaching out and touching the page and actually feeling the leopard's fur or the petting the tiny tiger cub's fur. The photography is simply stunning. This book contains pictures of leopards catnapping, giraffes sticking their tongue out (really funny), baby elephants drinking at a water hole, Zebras smiling, turtles swimming under water, baby tigers hanging out together all in a row and a group of lemurs with stunning amber eyes. On the left side you find one animal with the name in large print. Then, on the adjacent page, you see three photographs of the animals in their natural habitat. Highly recommended for the amusement value alone. Some of my earliest childhood memories included seeing a giraffe and elephant at a zoo. This is a book babies and toddlers will enjoy and a trip to the zoo will enhance the reading experience. Also look for: Baby Animals: Colors, Numbers, Shapes Four Seasons ~The Rebecca Review

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