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The Periodic Table: Elements with Style!
Author:   Dingle, Adrian
Category: Nonfiction - Science 

ISBN: 9780753460856  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 128 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 8.99
押 金: ¥90
逾期借阅费: ¥14/月


Overview / 简介:
The Periodic Table introduces budding chemists to the world of the elements as it's never been seen before. Designed to resemble popular networking Web sites, the pages of this book feature "homepages" for each of the chemical elements -- complete with witty and informative profiles written by the elements themselves, plus a personally chosen picture.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
The scope and qualities of this unique book are summed up better in its subtitle than in its title. While Dingle does little to explain the periodic table, he shows all the elements of the periodic table on a chart with very original graphics and spotlights 64 of the elements for closer examination on single pages or double-page spreads. Placed against a list including an element's symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, color, standard state, and classification, the element introduces itself in one, two, or three cheeky but informative paragraphs that focus on its qualities and uses. Each presentation ends with the element's date of discovery or earliest known use, its density, its melting point, its boiling point, and a digitally assisted color illustration with a distinctively Japanese, cartoonlike quality. The endpapers feature a glossary and an illustrated foldout poster of the periodic table. The quirky, idiosyncratic artwork and the unusual voice make this little book an appealing choice for introducing elements of the periodic table. Phelan, Carolyn

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The best thing about this book is that it makes a subject that MOST adults (let alone children) consider to be completely dry, extremely interesting!! As I read through this book, I was struck by how much it reads like some of my kids Pokemon books - the drawings of the elements have a Japanese anime look to them, and they are grouped in very Pokemon-like groups, "The Alkali Earth Metals" (once thought to be harmless and boring, until they were released from Oxygen, at which point they became unruly), "The Transition Elements" (a motley crew of rednecks), etcetera. And each individual element has a catchy description, a cool drawing, and the same 10 basic bullet points facts for each one (symbol, color, classification, etc..) This presentation makes the information very accessible to most children. It would actually make excellent information for trading or flash cards. In fact, I think the author could make a great educational game based on this book. Kids could easily learn and retain some of the fascinating facts about different elements if it was presented in the context of a game..

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