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Going to the Hospital (First Experiences)
Author:   Rogers, Fred
Series: First Experiences 
Category: Fiction - Experience 

ISBN: 9780698115743  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
押 金: ¥70
逾期借阅费: ¥11/月


Series / 所属系列:
First Experiences

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
ea. vol: photogs. by Jim Judkis. unpaged. (Mister Rogers' First Experiences Bks.). CIP. Putnam. 1988. PLB $12.95; pap. $5.95. PreSchool-Grade 2 In his usual tone of sympathetic understanding and gentle reassurance, Mr. Rogers discusses the common childhood traumas of hospitalization and grief over the loss of a pet. Large, clear color photographs support the texts. Going to the Hospital follows two appealing preschool age children, a pigtailed black girl and red-headed white boy, as they experience the preliminary procedures of getting an identification bracelet, being examined with various instruments, having blood drawn, and talking with a nurse and doctor, while comforting but straightforward explanations for the procedures are given. Since most of the pictures are posed, no one looks frightened or in pain. No details of surgery or postoperative recovery are shown. The Hospital Book (Crown, 1981) by James Howe is more comprehensive and realistic, but with its black-and-white photographs of actual hospitalized children and longer text, it is better suited to older children more able to absorb the complicated and sometimes disturbing information. Sara Stein's A Hospital Story (Walker, 1984) follows a little girl's tonsillectomy well but is more limited. All of these books have helpful information directed to parents. When a Pet Dies portrays a Hispanic family whose dog dies and a white family whose cat dies. The animals are not shown suffering. The grieving children are posed as feeling sad and angry, being comforted by their parents, asking questions about death, conducting a pet funeral, and finally adjusting to the loss. In the text the theme is delicately expanded to embrace all sorrow and the happy fact that the love, once shared, lives on. Again, although there is other good literature in this field such as The Tenth Good Thing About Barney (Atheneum, 1971) by Judith Viorst, Jim's Dog Muffins (Greenwillow, 1984) by Miriam Cohen, and It Must Hurt a Lot (Multnomah, 1985) by Doris Sanford, this nonfiction book is more explicit and specific. The format and typography are clear and attractive, the language and concepts simple but sound psychologically, and the material geared either for an adult to share or for children to read alone. Patricia Pearl, First Presbyterian School, Martinsville, Vtinsville, Va.Grades 3-6

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book is awesome!! My 3-year-old daughter LOVES it! It's very easy for her to understand, and the pictures of real kids having routine hospital things done to them is very helpful. She had a "surprise" surgery to remove a brain tumor 2 months ago and wasn't prepared for the hospital experience. When we found out she had to have another surgery, we immediately bought this book and read it 3 or 4 times a day for two weeks before her surgery. It has proven to be invaluable!!! Way to go Mister Rogers!!

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