畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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The Printer's Devil
Author:   Bajoria, Paul
Category: Fiction - Action  Social  Mysteries 

ISBN: 9780689872853  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 304 页
Age / Level: 10 and Up, Level-7
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Advanced Chapter Book!!
Original Price: $ 12.99
押 金: ¥104
逾期借阅费: ¥13/月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Grade 6-9–A lively Dickensian adventure story in the style of Leon Garfield or Joan Aiken. Twelve-year-old Mog, an orphan, has a steady job as an apprentice printer, also called a printer's devil. After a mysterious ship called the Sun of Calcutta sails into port with an unknown but valuable cargo, he witnesses an act of thievery on the docks. Intrigued by the nature of the theft and the nasty characters involved, he investigates and meets Nick, a boy who looks so much like him that the two are often mistaken for one another. The new friends become enmeshed in an ever-deepening mystery that includes their own pasts. Like a penny dreadful, the book employs stock characters for minor roles while allowing the heroes adequate depth and character. The novel is better suited for those older children who are able to keep up with the ever-shifting loyalties and boundless characters introduced on every other page. Though the tale is enjoyable and always surprising, readers may find themselves disappointed with the scant answers at the end (not to mention the rather significant plot gaps). Large collections will want this title by a new British writer and those libraries needing to upgrade their action/adventure series might want to give it a shot.–Elizabeth Bird, New York Public Library

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is a brilliant book!!!! It was a school book at first but after the first chapter I decided that it was one of the best books I've ever read!!!! It was full of cool twist and turns. It has all sorts of different plots. This book is right up there with Joshua Mowll and Phillip Pulmann. I love this book so much!!! I like this book because of the well-developed characters. Mog, Nick, and all of the good guys were so funny. And yet they were not your average heros. The bad guys on the other hand were so evil you just wanted to reach inside the book and strangle them. I liked it how the author gave us just enough background on the characters but not enough to tell all about their past. This book had so many different things going on at once that it made your head spin, but in a good way. And then when you finally think that the author can't have any more surprises, there pops up yet another surprise.

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