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Shadow of the Wolf
Author:   Whelan, Gloria
Category: Fiction

ISBN: 9780679881087  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 80 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
押 金: ¥40
逾期借阅费: ¥6/月


Overview / 简介:

Libby’s family moves to Northern Michigan where she is reunited with her best friend, Fawn, whose family now lives there with the Ottawa tribe. The girls’ happiness is short lived when they find out that greedy men are trying to cheat the Indians out of their land. Now Libby and Fawn must think of a way to stop them—before the forest is lost forever.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
The woods of southern Michigan are getting corwded, so Libby Mitchell and her family load up their covered wagon and move north. They settle on the shores of Lake Michigan--right next to the Indian camp where Libby's friend Fawn lives! But Libby and Fawn soon find out that greedy men are trying to cheat the Indians out of their land. Now the girls must think of a way to stop them--before the people and animals who call the forest their home lose it forever. This poignant, beautifully-told story concludes Gloria Whelan's American history trilogy. Publishers Weekly gave a starred review to the second title, Night of the Full Moon, calling it a "satisfying chapter book...as captivating as any in the Little House series."

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Shadow of The Wolf is a good book because it has sad parts in it and it shows love for the wolf in the book Shadow Of The Wolf.I give it four stars because it is one of the best books I have read in the many books I have read.In the book a wolf gets trapped in a Indian girls trap her best friend sees the wolf in the trap the Indian girl is about to go get her dad till her friend says wait! the girl turns around and says what she says you can't take this wolfs life the Indian girl said but my dad will be mad she said if you don't tell you dad he will not find out the Indian girl said ok.the girl went to get the wolf out of the trap the finally got the wolf out it ran for the woods and after that there friends came and they had to get water so the two girls went to get water and it was snowing so hard they could not see the wolf came out and showed them the way. when ever the they got lost the wolf was there for them.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Gloria and her husband Joseph moved from Detroit to the woods of northern Michigan several years ago. Many of Gloria's books take place during the summer -- because she does a lot of her writing during the northern Michigan blizzards! Gloria has been telling stories for as long as she can remember. Before she could read or write, she used to dictate stories to her baby-sitter, who would type them out. Being an only child, many of Gloria's stories were about having a brother or sister. Gloria would like to have written Little Women, because Jo March was one of her role models growing up! Gloria once had a set of five guinea pigs, all named after Detroit Tiger baseball players!

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