畅销书: 不能错过的英语启蒙——中国孩子的英语路线图
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Hog Music
Author:   Helldorfer, M. C. / S. D. Schindler
Category: Fiction - Action  Tales  Short 

ISBN: 9780670871827  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.9
押 金: ¥96
逾期借阅费: ¥16/月


Overview / 简介:
Great Aunt Liza is sending Lucy a birthday gift. She puts it in a wooden box with a latch and gives it to her friend to take west to Lucy by mail coach. And that's where the adventure begins. As the box makes its way across the country by the kindness of strangers, each one adds a token of his or her own to Lucy's present. Over rutted roads, past thousands of hogs and some hungry goats, the box finds its way to Lucy. In M.C. Helldorfer's energetic words and S.D. Schindler's exuberant art, a touching and very funny picture of nineteenth-century life emerges.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Jaunty watercolor and gouache illustrations on parchment paper set the tone for this rollicking 1840s adventure tale of a birthday present gone astray. As young Lucy's family prepares to head West to Illinois, Aunt Liza refuses to go with them. "Nothing but hog music out there," she grumbles. Some months later, the woman packs "a plain straw hat in a plain wooden box" for Lucy's birthday, and sends it on its way with a traveling friend. When the hatbox bounces off the stagecoach, the gift falls into the hands of various characters, each of whom contributes something to the box and simultaneously fills in details of daily life (a portrait artist adds a miniature painting of his grandmother's pet hog, a farm boy pops in a clay marble, etc.). Eventually, the hatbox reaches a puzzled Lucy and her family. When Lucy writes a thank-you note back, Aunt Liza, beguiled by Lucy's talk not of hogs, but of prairie grass and "wind music," heads West for a happy reunion. Helldorfer (Phoebe and the River Flute) adopts a folksy tone for her spry story ("Whooeeee! That stagecoach headed westDand up and down and left and right") and serves up artful images ("the moon rising like a shiny supper plate over the mountains"). Schindler's (A Big Cheese for the White House) artwork wrings the most out of the tale's humorous elements (such as vignettes of seven men toe-tapping at dance lessons, then sleeping side by side in front of a roaring fire), while maintaining the precision of miniatures, and he fleshes out the scenes with an abundance of period particulars. Readers will be shouting "Westward Ho!" right along with Aunt Liza. Ages 3-8. (May)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The author has presented a wonderful visit into the history of travel during the 1800's. This book would be an asset to any child studying that period of time. The author demonstrates a research based account of what could happen to a package being sent across the National Public Road. The humor that is used will help children and adults understand how writing an expository piece can be based on facts and ideas from history and include voice, word choice, and a great deal of creativity and feeling.

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