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Roly Poly Pangolin
Author:   Dewdney, Anna / Anna Dewdney
Category: Fiction - Animals  Concepts 

ISBN: 9780670011605  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 40 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 16.99
押 金: ¥102
逾期借阅费: ¥17/月


Overview / 简介:
Roly Poly, very small, doesn't like new things at all.

Meet Roly Poly Pangolin - a little pangolin who'd rather stick close to his mama instead of facing anything unfamiliar. Whether it's a line of ants, a friendly monkey, or a loud noise, Roly Poly runs the other way. Then he hears something that really scares him. So he does what all pangolins do when they're frightened - he rolls up into a tiny ball. But Roly Poly is surprised when he finally peeks out, because another ball is peeking back . . . it's a small pangolin just like him!

Anna Dewdney has created another irresistible character to reassure children about the world around them.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Very few children will know what a pangolin is, especially preschoolers, but this scaly baby animal evidently has many of the same fears as little kids. In large type and rhyming sentences, listeners are told how Roly Poly is scared of new things, like something that might bite, bugs for dinner, playing with strange animals, and monster sounds. So Roly Poly does what pangolins do: he rolls up into a ball. When he peeks out, he sees another ball peeking back! He has found a friend. “Roly Poly, very small, / feeling better, feeling tall. / So much to see, so much to do . . . / So much nicer when it’s two!” The scaly creatures are playfully but accurately illustrated, with the addition of expressive faces to reflect emotions. An author’s note explains that pangolins are an endangered species and makes a plea for readers to visit her Web site to learn how to help. Book proceeds will go to Cuc Phuong National Park, in Vietnam, where research is being conducted. --Julie Cummins

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I have long been a fan of Anna Dewdney. She is also the author of the "Llama Llama" series, "Grumpy Gloria," and "Nobunny's Perfect." She truly has a gift, and her stories are not only enjoyable for children, but adults as well. I was very excited for this book featuring a pangolin. I had not ever heard of pangolins before I heard of this book. When I first read about this book, I began doing some research. The information I found was fascinating. I began to wonder how Ms. Dewdney would take the pangolin and make it a children's book character. She succeeded brilliantly! I am a kindergarten teacher, and Ms. Dewdney's books are a staple of my classroom. My students love her books. They were fascinated when I read them "Roly Poly Pangolin." We were able to discuss many different social aspects -- being scared, playing with others, etc. -- however, the students really wanted to learn more about pangolins and see real photos of them. I think this book is excellent, and it should definitely have a home in your home and school library.

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