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Guess The Baby
Author:   French, Simon , Donna Rawlins
Category: Fiction - Family  Sibling 

ISBN: 9780618259892  查看亚马逊上的介绍
Pages: 32 页
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮精装本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 14
押 金: ¥112
逾期借阅费: ¥14/月


Overview / 简介:
After Sam’s baby brother visits Mr. Judd’s class, all the children bring their baby pictures to school and have a good time guessing which is whose. But there’s still one picture left over. . . . It’s Mr. Judd! Now the children can imagine their teacher as a baby (complete with mustache). The idea that everyone starts out as a baby—and that babies and kids become grownups—is conveyed with a light touch in this sprightly school story, which acknowledges young children’s fascination with babies and with the idea that even the most revered grownups used to wear diapers. Readers will want to play “Guess the Baby” in their own classrooms.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
A class of young schoolchildren learns a spirited lesson about growing up, creatively delivered by Australian author French, a former kindergarten teacher with an insightful grasp of this age group's questioning minds. When Sam brings his infant brother to school for Show and Tell, the teacher, Mr. Judd, reminds the incredulous class that they, too, were once babies. The students bring in their baby pictures and create a photo gallery, rendered in endearing detail by Rawlins (My Place), and then engage in a game of who's who, matching the baby to the classmate ("We guessed Sacha, because he still has the same smile. And Mara, because her hair is as orange as oranges"). Rawlins offers visual clues-Tess wears her hair the same way she did as an infant; Braydon bares his belly, just as he does in his baby photo-and Mr. Judd gives hints for the "tricky ones." But one photograph remains a mystery-who is that sailor-suited cutie? When the class realizes it's Mr. Judd, the children plunge into a pastel-colored reverie, imagining their mustachioed teacher as a baby (complete with facial hair). The children's excitement about this revelation ("Mr. Judd used to eat mushy food,"; "Mr. Judd used to have yucky diapers") drives home French's simple message that "even grownups were babies once." For every child who's ever asked the question, "Was I a baby?" this book is a delightful answer. Ages 4-6.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
In a twist on the many wacky things kids bring to "show and tell" at school, Sam brings his baby brother in this charming tale. This prompts amusing lessons that help the students understand and empathize with their younger siblings, including the surprising "discovery" that they were all babies once. Being a "big kid" starts looking particularly good when compared babyhood. But, the fun really gets going when the class plays the "Guess the Baby" game - a game in which the reader can play along. Each student brings a photograph of him or herself as a baby. The teacher collects and displays the baby pictures and the students try to match them to proper "big kid." With childlike, naïve acrylic gouche and colored pencil illustrations, Rawlins adds warmth and spirit to the story. She also provides some of the most important visual clues to assist the reader playing the "Guess the Baby" photo game - i.e., the class is multi-cultural and some of the children have special traits and features. Highly recommended for ages 3 to 8.

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